Friday, April 30, 2010

In Damascus

Nice breakfast at the Sheraton. Spending one more night here. Off to the Museum first. I hate museums; same old boring artifacts – and our guide carries on and on. I enjoyed the panoramic view much better. Which we went to see while the Museum closed – then we came back for the “optional” lunch, Which only seems to be “optional” in that you pay for it. Then walked through the souk – which was quite crowded even though most shops were closed. We then walked the “straight” street. Not sure why it is called the “straight” street. Seems to be like our Main street or the UK’s High street. Mark found cheap beer – Syrians do not seem to observe Islamic practices very rigorously. Our guide showed us the Jewish street – apparently vacated in a hurry. Supposedly he government has told them to come back or they will lose the property; I’m guessing they wisely won’t accept the invitation. After an arch (was that the Gate of St Paul? – I find it so hard to listen to the guide), on to the Christian quarter. Got to see the church of Ananias – where St Paul was baptized. Of course it was just a house then. But it is amazing to be in the same streets as St Paul. And to hear the guide tell his story just like any other history lesson – no need for “political correctness” here. Lit a candle – guess my prayer will be answered later as I find Mark in the courtyard drinking one of the beers he bought. On to the church of St Paul Then to dinner in the Old City. We had a bizarre Turkish dancer – who came out every 15 minutes and danced in circles. Supposedly a smoking ban in public places was imposed five days ago. But people are smoking. Both cigarettes and those bong things. The bongs actually smell better. I hate smoke. Back to the hotel quite late and a very early start tomorrow. Mark had a Turkish coffee so he kept waking up and actibg bizarre. Or maybe he was just sleep walking. I cannot tell the difference.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Road to Damascus

Or more like the airway. Nice day. Got up after 10 – Mark got almost 12 hours sleep and seemed better. Decided to go check in and see if we could get in the Star Alliance lounge. Worked out great – the BMI lounge was super nice. And had Internet so I could catch up with Facebook and home e-mail. And work e-mail. Finally got food. Flight to Damascus was nice – about 5 hours and had an empty seat in between – courtesy of Star Alliance Gold membership. Managed carry on – have learned through the years to pack lighter and lighter. Passport control was interesting – the agent clearly looking for Israeli stamps in our passports. Met our guide Sharif who sent us past baggage claim. Mark of course didn’t listen and wandered around so we almost missed the bus. The ride to the hotel took an hour – stayed half an hour outside Damascus. A nice Sheraton. Guess this makes the Jules Verne tour more “affordable”. We’ll spend five nights in Syria – three in Lebanon. Travelling with an English group – which seems “safer”. Not that I feel unsafe. I felt more unsafe in Baltimore last week when I had to go “preside” over the supersonic flight public session. Our guide is letting us get up a bit later tomorrow. He’s realized it will be Friday and the “souk” – the market – will be mostly closed. Glad for the extra sleep – and for not having to experience the souk in its full glory – all the pushing and shoving. Do not have blackberry access – not even GSM. This is good – will help me stat “present”. Mark’s phone gets GSM – so I’ll be able to call Anthony. I’m surprised I still miss Anthony on vacation. Our hotel at Heathrow had two extra beds all made up. For Anthony AND Juanchi -- :-)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Off to London

Got to London today. Well, Heathrow – which isn’t really “London”. Totally uneventful flight – after the shutdown of European airspace because of Iceland’s unpronounceable volcano, surprised that the plane was not crowded. Guess things are pretty much back to “normal”. Mark forgot to take his medicine, so by the time we got off the plane at Heathrow he was a shaking monster. I navigated us through immigration and to the airport hotel. Was dinner time for us – but near midnight. Mark went to sleep and I caught up on e-mail and talked to Carl. Who had many solutions as to how I could get food –but none as good as my plan to have ice cream for dinner. Sydney had been “off” this morning (and last night really). Probably made upset by my upset about leaving him. I miss him so much. Lynn says he is fine. I still cannot help but think awful scenarios – instead of doing the yogic “stay positive”.