Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Off to London

Got to London today. Well, Heathrow – which isn’t really “London”. Totally uneventful flight – after the shutdown of European airspace because of Iceland’s unpronounceable volcano, surprised that the plane was not crowded. Guess things are pretty much back to “normal”. Mark forgot to take his medicine, so by the time we got off the plane at Heathrow he was a shaking monster. I navigated us through immigration and to the airport hotel. Was dinner time for us – but near midnight. Mark went to sleep and I caught up on e-mail and talked to Carl. Who had many solutions as to how I could get food –but none as good as my plan to have ice cream for dinner. Sydney had been “off” this morning (and last night really). Probably made upset by my upset about leaving him. I miss him so much. Lynn says he is fine. I still cannot help but think awful scenarios – instead of doing the yogic “stay positive”.

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