Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Sunday Full of Shocks in London ....

Interesting day today. The mood was certainly set last night. First I got an e-mail forwarded from Vicki Cox letting folks know that Fred Johnson (who was in Mark's office in London at the same time we were) had suddenly passed away. An aneurysm or a stroke -- it seems. More to come. This if course made me sad -- had not seen Fred for years but all the folks that were in London together were really close. He is the first of the group to pass away. And the suddenness and involvement of circulatory system renewed my worries about Mark.

I was up quite late (past 2 PM accounting for time change) on account of having to work on the report from the meeting last week. Has to be presented Wednesday -- but we as those of us that are still here from last week have another job, we really had to finish it at the weekend.

I was feeling fairly OK about Mark yesterday afternoon. The day in London was nice and I had talked to him in the morning. The blood tests had not shown anything ominous and he had seem OK during the week. His blood pressure was really perfectly normal from Monday on. Work up in the middle of the night and had a message from Mark telling me his blood pressure was once again 90s over 50s and he had felt lethargic all day. This set me off on an all night quest through the Internet of symptoms. Did not sleep well at all. I did just speak to him and he sounded OK -- but I am getting nowhere getting him to agree to see his internist. Maybe I will do better face to face and surely his parents will help.

Much later than when I wrote above ... back from looong work dinner. I'm tired so I will complete post later. Big shock was that Stephen and Vince split up. Mark knew but he felt he should not tell me (presumably because Vince had asked him not to). And when I told him I was having lunch with them -- he figured they got back together. It really wasn't awkward though -- I really like seeing those guys.

I will write more about today .... in the morning.

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