Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Touring Kuwait

Today started out super lazy. Forgot to put out the do not disturb sign so the maid woke us up about 9:30 AM (we had gone to bed at 10 PM ...... the more you sleep the more you need to sleep it seems). Mark had a shower and we went to breakfast (as yummy as the previous two days .... snffff only two days left as we have an early flight on Friday). When we came back to the room, I wanted to take a nap -- so Mark went off to the beach.

Mark came back around noon and roused me up .... we were going to go to some museum about the Iraqi invasion and subsequent liberation. But the taxi driver pointed out that the museum closed 1 PM - 4:30 PM so we wouldn't see anything. We decided we would go to the souk (the market) but that was closed to.

So we went to the gym instead. And then the pool -- OMG the water is gorgeous -- crystal clear and the perfect temperature. We then went to the far off pool so we could get lunch (by now it was 3 PM). No one ever seems to be there so it is like a private pool. Only huge. After lunch I assumed the "legs up the wall"yoga position on a sunbed and got into a totally relaxed state. Mark woke me up at about 4:30 PM and we got ready to go see Kuwait.

The concierge said we should have the driver wait but we insisted we'd take a taxi back. Good thing they did not listen. The driver (who was Lebanese) spoke great English. We picked up a hotel staffer and dropped her off (making us a sherut (shared taxi) I guess -- a Middle Eastern custom). I asked him if he was here during the invasion -- and he had lots of tales (it took them longer to find out they were being invaded than folks in the U.S.). After we dropped her off, he told us about the Kuwait towers (you've not been to Kuwait unless you've seen them). He stopped several times for photos. Then at several other sites (old houses, the marina).

On to the museum (which we intended to visit early Wednesday). It was very interesting -- it is so hard to imagine that a wealthy, peaceful place could be overrun. At the end they had a room dedicated to Saddam's demise. He had us pose with the severed head of a Saddam statue. And with old weapons outside. Said the Scud missile previously up front had been removed.
By now it was dark and I wasn't so keen to see the souk (don't need a rug). Decided we would just drive by. After seeing downtown some more (everything is constantly reconstructed -- the place seems like Disney world, so sparkling and new). The souk was just like a souk anywhere else. He made me take photos (which are horrible as I have no clue what to do at night) of everything. This is the woman's section -- whatever that means. Also stopped by the mosque.
On the way back to the hotel he told us a bit about Kuwaiti citizenship. Basically, the only way to be a citizen is if your parents are Kuwaiti. If your parents are Lebanese (like this fellow), you can be born here but you are not a citizen. EVER. You can only live in Kuwait if you have a "sponsor"(job). If you retire you can only stay if you have a son (who has a sponsor) and in turn your son sponsors you. The Kuwaitis get free land and 70,000 KD (Kuwaiti Dinars -- a KD is worth about $3) toward a house. The houses are palatial. Of course the foreign workers (who do most services) live in tiny shared flats. And hardly get paid anything. Those Kuwaitis that work, do so primarily for the Government. Mark read they only work 6 and a half hours, presumably 5 days a week. The 6 and a half hours includes lunch. Your Government job is guaranteed for life. This is paradise if you are Kuwaiti I guess. Or a European or American worker. Not so good for others. But I guess better than home -- otherwise folks would not flock here.
The good news is since we got "culture" out of the way -- have two totally lazy days ahead!

Monday, April 20, 2009

In Kuwait

Arrived in Kuwait Sunday morning. Took a while to get here. Flew British Airlines to London Friday night (the 10 PM flight, which arrived in London about 10 AM Saturday). The later flight is actually better than the 5 PM flight, I think. We left home about 7:30, breezed through security (just carry on) and ate dinner at the airport. This meant we were ready to sleep by the time we boarded.
Slept pretty well (despite waking up frequently to check up on Mark -- who seemed OK). Plane was packed -- but I traded my leg room for some room on Mark's lap to sleep. Had not flown British Airways for ages -- they still give out socks, tooth brushes, little bottles of water. Wish we had sprung for the business class flat bed seats (like we did for South Africa in 2003). But they have doubled the miles you need so Mark would not hear of it. Nice that the tickets were "free" (except for the outrageous taxes).

I had booked a "day room" in London as our flight to Kuwait did not leave until 10 PM on Saturday and I did not cherish 12 hours at London Heathrow. We were at the Hotel by 11 AM and were pleasantly surprised that the 54 pound rate was actually for a whole day so we did not have to check out at 5 PM. Slept till 5 PM, took showers and walked to MacDonald's. Free shuttle to Heathrow at 8 PM. Only glitch was they confiscated my contacts saline solution (even though I had just flown through Heathrow with the very same bottle two weeks earlier). Luckily there is a Boots (a pharmacy like place) after Security so I was able to get some more. Hope they don't take it on the way back -- although that may not be an issue since they will probably make me check the bag I carried on here!

That day room was the best investment ever. Mark seemed to have no issues. We got to Kuwait at about 7 AM Sunday. Had to get visas on site -- which seemed like it would take hours (given the number we had and the number they were serving, coupled with the speed of the agents). But somehow a lot of numbers weren't there and speed picked up. We were through security by 8 AM -- and into the hands of the Hilton.

OMG -- this IS customer service. They met us and took us into a waiting shuttle. Got iced water. The Hilton Honors agent met us at the door and had us sit down at her desk. Got orange juice (best tasting I've ever had). An upgrade to a sea view room. Vouchers for breakfast (which we were not entitled to until Monday) and vouchers for massages at the Spa (Mark refused his -- what an idioso!).
The room is awesome -- super comfy bed. Luxurious couch. Flat screen wall TV. Large sized toiletries, bath robes. And breakfast is out of this world -- one of the nicest I've ever had (only equated by breakfast in Brunei and at the Moscow Marriott). After breakfast, slept a few hours. In a "turn about" Mark had more energy and woke up first and went to the gym. I went after he came back ..... then caught up with him in what might as well be a private beach because there is no one else there. Only drawback is Mark won't go in the water so there is no "buddy" for me to swim with.
The restaurant prices are really reasonable -- there is so much oil wealth no one seems interested in turning a big profit. Particularly given tourists are almost non existent. Sunday night ate at Pizza Express. Had the most scrumptious chocolate cheese cake.
I could not sleep Sunday night (maybe because I had slept all day). But Mark had and when I started stirring (a bit after 6) he got up and went to the gym. So when he came back we went to breakfast. Which was after he made up an outfit like the local garb ....with the bathrobe the hotel gave him. Luckily reason prevailed and he did not wear it outside the room. But it makes for a good photo! I am obsessed with finding out whether the men wear pants under their robes. It would be so easy if Mark would just go to the public restroom ..... but he won't do it! So I have to rely on trying to have a look when someone stands in front of a light. I think they just wear a long shirt. Seems comfy. The women's all black robes and covered faces are spooky. But there are plenty of women in Western clothes and I have not needed the scarf I got for my head (at Lynn's behest). Except as a shawl as I did not bring a coat and the a/c is freezing.
Had my massage ... and then used the Spa facilities. The whirlpool is the perfect temperature and as big as a pool. There is an aromatherapy steam room. And lots of other touches.
We ate dinner in the Arabian tents Monday night. Mark had "issues" as his legs were too big and could not reach the table. And he tripped getting up. For some odd reason the resort does not allow pictures (maybe because we can see the oil tankers?). Anyhow -- I am sure the satellites have lots of pictures of the resort.
I miss Sydney ... but could stay here forever. Actually dogs allowed (Sydney would so fit in). And they rent villas. Maybe a place to do a long stay post retirement. Mark seems just fine ... which I attribute to exercise, lots of rest and no alcohol .......

Monday, April 13, 2009

Bob and Gail's Visit

Bob and Gail came to visit 9-13 April. The fact that it was Easter was entirely coincidental. Had not seem them since Anthony's graduation due to Gail's various health problems. We had talked about going down to Louisiana .... but good intentions were overcome by events I guess. Needless to say Sydney (who was 5 lbs when they met him) was quite a shock at 15 lbs!
Bob and Gail looked pretty good for 69 and 74. Gail does seem to have lots of new health issues -- which are incomprehensible given how much she works out, how healthily she eats and how thin she is. Somehow she had a stroke and then diabetes. Perplexing.

It was nice to have home cooked meals (although she sure generates a lot of dishes to wash). And I took her to the Spa on Saturday -- courtesy of Mark (her share -- mine I will have to cover :-(). Here is a picture of Mark in the kitchen -- Bob and Gail photos are in my other computer so I shall have to upload later.
Went to Church Easter Sunday (Mark is just not into the Easter Vigil). I ran home to eat chocolates. Tasted soooo good after the Lenten fast!

Took them to see "The Civil War" at Ford's Theater. I did not think it would be very good (after all one knows the outcome!). But it actually was. It was a musical -- songs were good. And the setting was perfect -- I don't think it would have worked at any other theater.
Mark seems better since his meds were adjusted. He did seem wobbly Saturday night when we walked Presley and Sydney with his Dad. He told his parents about his "issues". But became furious when I asked him how he was feeling. Said I "embarrassed" him (hmmmm -- saying that I pushed him is SOOOOO much less embarrassing). Announced that he will no longer discuss his health with me. Which is fine by me -- as long as he looks/acts better -- which he does. Still seems quite a mystery -- and maybe not all symptoms are related. We shall see ....... I need to chill. And pray -- which is such a help. The good news is I am not as worked up about my upcoming visit to Hopkins (May 6) as I usually am because I am spending so much time obsessing about Mark I have less time to obsess about other stuff!
Of course the best part about Bob and Gail's visit is scoring free kitchen gadgets. This time she was freaked by our broken breadboard -- but also got other stuff. Including a place mat for Sydney's food and water bowl. Soooooo cute.
They left Monday afternoon (I was sad to see them go -- first "peaceful" weekend in ages -- Mark did not have any blood pressure episodes). Now looking on to Kuwait. Which I am nervous about as I worry about Mark.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cherry Blossom Time

Got back from the UK on Thursday night. Was there at the same time as Barack Obama. They did not announce his schedule -- so didn't see him. Saw him in the papers a lot. Or rather Michelle -- as her clothes was what the news seemed to cover. The protests to coincide with the summit were not very exciting -- nothing by Transport (other than some old guys in motorbikes -- that took all of about 5 mins to go by).

Went with Houeida and Michael Anthony on Saturday to see Cherry Blossoms in Maryland (got my mani on Friday because I had ambitions to go see Anthony but that was not to be as he had a test the following Monday and did not want the "distraction"). She said it was better than DC. But honestly, it seemed the same to me -- just a longer drive. It was odd all the people walking around this neighborhood. Some kids had set up lemonade stands and such -- very enterprising.

H wanted to go to lunch -- but the Lebanese place she wanted to go to had closed down (or maybe it was just closed on Saturday). We were going to go to Lebanese Taverna by Pentagon Row -- but she decided Michael Anthony would have a melt down so just went home. I proceeded to sleep the rest of the afternoon and put off church until Sunday.

Watching Mark like a hawk. His family Dr. just told him his low blood pressure was too low for someone as big as him (which we all knew) and adjusted his medication. He still seems wobbly to me but I guess it needs time .........