Monday, April 13, 2009

Bob and Gail's Visit

Bob and Gail came to visit 9-13 April. The fact that it was Easter was entirely coincidental. Had not seem them since Anthony's graduation due to Gail's various health problems. We had talked about going down to Louisiana .... but good intentions were overcome by events I guess. Needless to say Sydney (who was 5 lbs when they met him) was quite a shock at 15 lbs!
Bob and Gail looked pretty good for 69 and 74. Gail does seem to have lots of new health issues -- which are incomprehensible given how much she works out, how healthily she eats and how thin she is. Somehow she had a stroke and then diabetes. Perplexing.

It was nice to have home cooked meals (although she sure generates a lot of dishes to wash). And I took her to the Spa on Saturday -- courtesy of Mark (her share -- mine I will have to cover :-(). Here is a picture of Mark in the kitchen -- Bob and Gail photos are in my other computer so I shall have to upload later.
Went to Church Easter Sunday (Mark is just not into the Easter Vigil). I ran home to eat chocolates. Tasted soooo good after the Lenten fast!

Took them to see "The Civil War" at Ford's Theater. I did not think it would be very good (after all one knows the outcome!). But it actually was. It was a musical -- songs were good. And the setting was perfect -- I don't think it would have worked at any other theater.
Mark seems better since his meds were adjusted. He did seem wobbly Saturday night when we walked Presley and Sydney with his Dad. He told his parents about his "issues". But became furious when I asked him how he was feeling. Said I "embarrassed" him (hmmmm -- saying that I pushed him is SOOOOO much less embarrassing). Announced that he will no longer discuss his health with me. Which is fine by me -- as long as he looks/acts better -- which he does. Still seems quite a mystery -- and maybe not all symptoms are related. We shall see ....... I need to chill. And pray -- which is such a help. The good news is I am not as worked up about my upcoming visit to Hopkins (May 6) as I usually am because I am spending so much time obsessing about Mark I have less time to obsess about other stuff!
Of course the best part about Bob and Gail's visit is scoring free kitchen gadgets. This time she was freaked by our broken breadboard -- but also got other stuff. Including a place mat for Sydney's food and water bowl. Soooooo cute.
They left Monday afternoon (I was sad to see them go -- first "peaceful" weekend in ages -- Mark did not have any blood pressure episodes). Now looking on to Kuwait. Which I am nervous about as I worry about Mark.

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