Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cherry Blossom Time

Got back from the UK on Thursday night. Was there at the same time as Barack Obama. They did not announce his schedule -- so didn't see him. Saw him in the papers a lot. Or rather Michelle -- as her clothes was what the news seemed to cover. The protests to coincide with the summit were not very exciting -- nothing by Transport (other than some old guys in motorbikes -- that took all of about 5 mins to go by).

Went with Houeida and Michael Anthony on Saturday to see Cherry Blossoms in Maryland (got my mani on Friday because I had ambitions to go see Anthony but that was not to be as he had a test the following Monday and did not want the "distraction"). She said it was better than DC. But honestly, it seemed the same to me -- just a longer drive. It was odd all the people walking around this neighborhood. Some kids had set up lemonade stands and such -- very enterprising.

H wanted to go to lunch -- but the Lebanese place she wanted to go to had closed down (or maybe it was just closed on Saturday). We were going to go to Lebanese Taverna by Pentagon Row -- but she decided Michael Anthony would have a melt down so just went home. I proceeded to sleep the rest of the afternoon and put off church until Sunday.

Watching Mark like a hawk. His family Dr. just told him his low blood pressure was too low for someone as big as him (which we all knew) and adjusted his medication. He still seems wobbly to me but I guess it needs time .........

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