Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Day in Beirut

Sultana gives us a later start – 8:30. We go to the “old town” – rebuilt by billions from entrepreneurs. Everyone is Beiruting again, the bill boards say. Everything is shiny and new. Great shops opened or about to open. Guards everywhere – I guess Dunkin doughnuts must be protected. I like Sultana’s guiding – she does not speak so much. Light lots of candles – praying for various causes – including Lebanon. We get free time and want to go to Starbucks – but Sultana does not know where it is.

Off to the Museum. Same old stuff. The most amusing thing is the school children – making fun of the naked statues. We do get to see a movie about the civil war’s effect on the Museum and its reconstruction – which is the most interesting info I have ever gotten out of a Museum!

On to lunch in Byblos. By the sea – which is gorgeous. I so want to ditch the tour and go to the beach. We see a small parade – apparently kids celebrating graduation. A few of the Brits join the dance. Amazing. Then off to more ruins – a castle. With its own museum. Time at the souk … which is really just a few souvenir shops. Mark does find cheap beer, which makes him happy. I’m avoiding liquids – Sultana is not big on bathroom stops. Finally we go back and I get a nap. Before another “typical” dinner in Old Town. I tried to convince Mark to go to McDonald’s instead – but failed.

The good news is Blackberry works. Able to send Becky Birthday wishes – maybe buying cards weeks ahead is not such a good idea.

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