Friday, May 7, 2010

Goodbye Beirut .... and Happy Anniversary

I give Mark a card for our 27th anniversary. He tries to recycle it – which makes me laugh. I prefer Mark’s tour – in his make believe world everything is funnier. And how are we to know it is not just as accurate?
I skip breakfast for an extra 15 mins sleep. Off to the airport – filled with smoke. Check in is a breeze – and eventually we do find the Star Alliance lounge. Filled with broken cappuccino machines.

I had put off buying Michael Anthony (Houeida’s Lebanese son – now nearly 3) a souvenir from his home land – intending to everyday but choosing a nap instead. Nothing but pastry and perfume shops – but get lucky and find a t-shirt beyond security. I think about Michael Anthony and the kids at the Museum. The twist of fate that sent him to live so far away. And I laugh at his temperament – so like Houeida’s. Nurture clearly winning over nature.

Off we go. Watch “The Lovely Bones”. Good movie – but as usual not as good as the book. The lady next to us changes seats because her screen is not working – so laid down and sleep most of the way.

Land at Heathrow at 12:30. Might have made the flight home – but glad not to have to face another long flight. We mess around looking for the Hoppa bus to the hotel – Mark refusing to ask for directions. Back and forth we go –and eventually find the stop. It is cold – particularly after Lebanon’s bright sunny weather. Had harbored intentions of getting Mark to take me to Central London – but in the end just wanted McDonal’s and a nap. A Sheraton this time – with its heavenly bed. Slept and slept – and then just laid in bed thinking about crusaders and castles. Wishing I could talk to them and know their motivation. Thinking about the “Restoration Tour” – and how somehow I managed not to realize the theme until well into the trip. No spa or cafes. Thank goodness our next holiday – just a few weeks away – will be at beach resorts in Honduras and Belize. Won’t even make a pretense of a tour – just lounge.

Had an anniversary dinner at the Hotel. Was hoping for plain spaghetti – but had some fancy version that was lost on me. The luster of the hotel gone a bit – they actually mix smoking and non smoking rooms and it stinks. Mark suggests I bring my blanket to the bar. We have been married a long time – because I actually thought of that :-) Found out we share an anniversary with Mark’s cousin Linda – she is at 35. Facebook knows all …… so nice to have access again – Syria actually blocked it. Guess too much freedom. Will have to look up Jackie on Facebook. She did give us her e-mail as did Jane and Tim. I was too sleepy to ask others. Wish I had gotten Sally’s. Then again you meet people on tour – grow close – learn all about them – but then part ways. I do not like tours – too restrictive. But can remember people we have toured with so clearly – even from long ago …

Lavender bubble bath – brought from home. Praying volcanic ash stays away – want to get home and see Sydney. Pick up Anthony on Mother’s Day. My visit to Hopkins on 19 May looms – but trying to put it away – follow Anthony’s approach – it is not now. Thinking about our wedding and honeymoon in New York City. Mark leaving the bathroom lights on – me thinking he must be uncomfortable in the dark as well. Later finding out it was to keep roaches at bay. No matter where I stay – always leave the bathroom light on. Roaches do not care how fancy a hotel is – still recall the epic battle with the Athenian roaches – who were no match for Mark’s giant shoes. The clerk saying “we have no roaches” and laughing as we walked away knowing what they would find :-)

Napping for most of the days makes getting to sleep hard for me. Not for Mark – he is snoring away …. Seemed perplexed when I said I would have a hard time sleeping. Cannot wait to be home in my own bed – sometimes the best part of a trip is the return home :-)

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