Sunday, May 2, 2010

Salah al Din’s Castle and more ruins

The extra sleep felt great – though switching hotels after one night was sort of a pain. Only time we stay just one night – two nights in Aleppo and then three nights in Beirut. Fell asleep on the bus – Sharif talking is the best sleeping pill ever.
First stop Salah al Din’s castle. Sharif acts like everyone knows who Salah al Din is. Only know of him from the folk “Kingdom of Heaven”. Mark was asleep during the movie …. He says he had heard of him but didn’t know much about it. The castle’s location was breathtaking. Could have used my head lamp – castle would not have stood up to “safety” standards back home. But it works out. Can’t quite understand how anyone can take over such a castle without “air power”. But it obviously got done.
Another optional lunch – a long nap on the bus and then some other ruins. Cannot recall the name. Syria is like Egypt – dig a bit and find ancient ruins. Another breath taking location – wish Sharif would just let you explore on your own – but he drones on and on. Don’t get a chance to take any silly pictures. I thought we would walk back – but the bus picks us up at the end.
Get to Aleppo a bit past 6. The hotel is gorgeous – finally the promised 5 stars. But internet isn’t free  Guess I will have to wait till Beirut to get internet – or even London. Mark has to get beer – and I have to go keep an eye on him. Crossing the street to the shops is death defying. And no beer to be found – although plenty of soap – the Syrians must be super clean. I get a coke – pay 20 liras – rather than 200 plus at the hotel. A shop keeper tells Mark beer is sold “behind him”. We walk around some more alleys and finally find beer. Dinner (which is included in the tour) is at the hotel. The most fabulous desserts – I hope all the walking around worked some of it off – but somehow I doubt it. Eating three meals a day is no good for your diet. Room is freezing – but having a coke with ice feels heavenly. Up at 6:45 tomorrow – which is a lot better than 5:30 guess. Off to call Anthony. After I download today’s pics :-)

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