Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Hear Bitch Is the New Black

Mark and I had to go to his boss' Christmas open house tonight. As Mark refused to go to the Dr Friday after his Christmas Eve low pressure spell I was hassling him all day about how I was gonna go wearing my running clothes and not taking a shower.

As I knew I would know a lot of people there (including my assistant, whose hubby works with Mark) I eventually relented and took a shower and put on a dress (here I am with my best accessory, Sydney!). I continued to hassle Mark ... and eventually he whispered "bitch" under his breath. Now this was great as I had read in the Washington Post that "bitch was the new black" (meaning little black dress). So I said to Mark "Thanks, bitch is the new black" ... and of course he had no clue. LOL. He seems perfectly fine now -- I have taken his blood pressure 1000 times and it is normal to high as usual ... and his lymph node is almost back to normal .... he better describe his symptoms to his Dr tomorrow ... I hate Hippa ... without it I could crash the appointment but this pesky confidentiality is a bummer!

Oh well ... at least I earned the moniker of bitch .... if only from Mark LOL. Now I am truly Sydney's Mummy!!!! It is funny ... I can be called anything by anyone and I usually see a fun side to it LOL. As my childhood nanny whom I saw in July in Spain (after 30+ years) said ... she would have known me anywhere from the constant laughing and making fun of everything LOL -- I cannot help it everyone and everything is so funny. I can't wait to tell my sister about bitch being the new black LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
