Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mark is back, a parade and a new haircut

Mark came back from Argentina this morning. It was great because he came in a few minutes after I woke up so I was not obsessively checking on his flight and calling him. He brought me alfajores and turron de jijona. Bummer they did not have turron de llema tostado -- my fave. But -- I should remember the lesson from last Christmas when I over ate and had to go on a 1200 calorie diet. I probably should cut back a bit before the Holidays -- yesterday was a disaster. And that darn Mark bought Oreos today -- have to put them where Anthony can see them when he is here -- but I cannot!

I managed to talk Mark into going to the Scottish parade. Lynn had sorted out having a Cavalier group -- there must have been 30-40 Cavs -- Tris (like Sydney), Rubies, Blenheim's and Black and Tans (Pressley & Bailey). We borrowed Miss Pressley so each of us had someone to walk. Of course, Cavs being Cavs, "walk" does not quite describe it. They went back and forth and jumped and ran and were all together crazy. Sydney was exhausted afterward .... but he never tuned down the energy while we were in Old Town!

In a flurry of activity for a Saturday went to get a haircut. Which as usual looks like the old one :-). The highlights look just the same. I guess Tulip and Heather are consistent! Gonna go to Pet Smart w/Sydney and get some treats. Mark is already fast asleep .....

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