Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Another year completed. Certainly this will be remembered as the year we survived the great African Adventure. One of our fellow travelers sent her journal today -- -- much more polite than my blog -- and much nicer pix. It was nice to relive some of the experiences through her eyes. Though I did not share all the upset when we only had bread -- I can go a while sans food. This is a photo with the group -- 9 paying customers and the two tour guides. Mark and I are in front. This was the day after my "one Africa safari away from my ideal weight" (thanks devil wears prada for the phrase) experience. Thank God for Cipro LOL. The worse the better for sure ....

It was also the year of finally making it to the running of the bulls. And chickening out LOL.

Sydney turned one. He is CRAZY .. tonight he jumped in my lap while I was eating. He has NEVER gotten table food. Never will. But he deserves credit for trying!

Anthony finished year one of college .. started year two. Mark swears I pushed him ... famous civil rights lawyer agrees to defend me pro bono if need be (REALLY). I got my coveted Manolos (thanks Mark). Saw the first kid I knew as a baby get married. Spent oodles of time babysitting the neighbor's newly adopted baby.

Became addicted to useless blogging. Was able to fit again into my London red dress. Got a certificate from the IPCC for my "contribution" to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Said I would have preferred shoes and make a bunch of climate scientists mad.

Tried to each English to a candidate for the priesthood. Travelled lots for work. Was majorly screwed over by a close friend. Grew closer to other new friends. Let karma take over ...

Oh mine -- in the context of so much history not much happened. LOL.

Ready for my tradition. In 2004 went to Aruba for Christmas. Learned about a Cuban tradition. You take a bowl of water and put by the front door on New Year's Eve. At midnight open the door and throw out the water (out with the bad). Open back door (in with the good).

Went for a walk with Mark to get beer (for him -- I hate beer -- I am having Asti). Me and Sydney escorted him despite the horrid temperatures. I actually entertained the idea of letting him go alone ... but my instinct to watch over him took over. It was like being in Antarctica.

Happy New Year everyone!!! Which means my only blog reader, Mark!!!

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