Anthony came home 13 Dec. He is working at his summer intern job at FAA f
or the four weeks he is here. And the neighbors keep hiring him. I like having Anthony around.
Bobby Webb came and stayed with us for a couple nights. Mark went to dinner with him ... I had to go to yoga. Funny how you can not see someone for a few years and it feels like you just saw them. Bobby is nuts -- keeps dating these women that as Mark politely put it "are not the Ph.D. types" ... and then less politely "more the DD types".
Mark got me my coveted pair of Manolos for translating his briefing. Came in on Tuesday and then I wore them Wed. About killed myself -- they are pretty high. Wore them to Dr. Bob's dinner (hosted by Dr. Bob to thank Scout parents) -- so I could be taller than him. But alas I was not --- but pretty close. I am really worried about Mark. He seems to have an infection from Africa. His lymph nodes keep suddenly inflaming ...then decreasing ... and back. He just saw Dr. Rodriguez his oncologist so I have to believe he is not having a recurrence. But is is hard not to worry. He also has lower blood pressure (which is kinda hard to judge as he is taking blood pressure medicine). Passed out before Anthony came home ... And when he came to accused me of pushing him. He had a cold at the time and was not resting. He has also had an ear infection. At least he sees the surgeon Dec 29 so hopefully she will knock some sense into him. I am just too upset to talk rationally with him.
At least I know he is not totally dying as he was REALLY mad that I dragged him to see Seven Pounds with Will Smith. I did not anticipate the level of chick flickness this film would have ... tee hee
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