Had a nice dinner by the pool. The group -- Andy (U.S. - native Hungarian), Spyros (Greece), Bjarne (Denmark), Claire (Ireland), Laurie (U.S.). Sharon (U.S.), and mine I forget the other lady's name -- Australian -- so nice -- Sanya -- that is it! Me and Mark make 9. Everyone is so well travelled -- Bjarne has 11 countries to go; Laurie 16. And Akos and Jessica guide -- funny they met on the cruise we were on -- seem perfect for each other. Work the Antarctica cruises together -- and I guess they now run the business together. Most everyone is married but came alone. Did not think their spouse would like it. I hope I do OK . I am worried about hiking in the jungle. Plus I have a runny nose -- and no cold medicine. Exhausted as well -- better go to sleep. Tomorrow the real adventure begins!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Made it to Gabon
Had a nice dinner by the pool. The group -- Andy (U.S. - native Hungarian), Spyros (Greece), Bjarne (Denmark), Claire (Ireland), Laurie (U.S.). Sharon (U.S.), and mine I forget the other lady's name -- Australian -- so nice -- Sanya -- that is it! Me and Mark make 9. Everyone is so well travelled -- Bjarne has 11 countries to go; Laurie 16. And Akos and Jessica guide -- funny they met on the cruise we were on -- seem perfect for each other. Work the Antarctica cruises together -- and I guess they now run the business together. Most everyone is married but came alone. Did not think their spouse would like it. I hope I do OK . I am worried about hiking in the jungle. Plus I have a runny nose -- and no cold medicine. Exhausted as well -- better go to sleep. Tomorrow the real adventure begins!
En route to Libreville
Most everyone we talked to (I think 5 of the 9 folks on our group) had met Akos on an Antarctica trip. Two ladies have been with him to Africa and seem to love him. Seems as if there are 11 of us -- including Akos and Jessica the tour leaders. Akos has a cable I can use to I should be able to upload photos -- now just have to hope the laptop works.
Could not sleep at all last night. Sprayed my pillow with "calming spray" half a dozen times. Accidentally sprayed Mark, which was not so calming. Tried yoga poses. Climbing over Mark. Talking to Mark (who was sleep). Staring at him. Having a snack. Eventually got up at 5:45 AM and made it to the airport shortly after 7. Flight at 11:10 -- so quite a wait. I bet I will fall asleep the whole way and go through the same cycle tonight. Tomorrow we start at 6:30 AM and do our first forest hike -- I'm a bit scared about that -- everyone else seems like the outdoorsy type. I think I am more the "Sex in the City" type I think -- though I am still coveting my first pair of Manolos :-)
Speaking of clothes, this morning I asked Mark if all his jeans were "disposable". He brought 3 -- and just realized that he has no pants to wear home. He's decided that he will wear his jogging pants so he can leave all the jeans behind ..... There seems to be an art to "disposable" clothes that I am just learning. I guess one should wear the disposables first so they don't have as far to travel. My disposables are really quite nice -- they are mostly too big and I have to come to terms that I will not be growing into them ....... C'est le vie.
This may be my last entry for a while if Internet does not work in Africa ......
Monday, September 29, 2008
In Paris
My aircard works great in France but it may not work at all in Africa. We shall see. I hope it does.
Got to the hotel around 8 AM and they gave us a room (an upgrade even though it was free). Woke up once and thought about going into the city. But then went back to sleep and finally woke up at 4 PM. Went to the gym and jogged 5k. Took a nice bubble bath -- used an SKII mask -- which makes you good as new. We did go to the station but it was really all too complicated -- Paris' underground is so confusing after the order of DC Metro. So we walked to Terminal 3 and got sandwiches for dinner. I had a nice cappuccino in the Hotel bar - which cost almost as much as dinner. But it was nice.
I'm trying not to be mad at Mark -- surely he could not have left anything else behind ........ :-). He better save me from any snakes though -- he is after all an Eagle Scout. Sometimes I do not really trust all the Scout laws etc -- I think only Dr. Bob actually believes them. And Dr. Bob is nowhere in sight.
Hope I can sleep tonight. Meeting Akos -- our Hungarian guide -- at Terminal 2C at 7:30 in the morning. It will be like being a child again ... once we find him he will be our parent until Oct 18. I guess here we go -- should definitely be an adventure. Better keep an open mind -- will not be in Kansas by a long shot!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
In Seattle

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I Must Really Be Jet Lagged
Monday, September 22, 2008
In Madrid

No hotel gym though -- but a nice park across the street and I got a jog in. Not sure about tomorrow given the schedule -- we'll see. Saw lots of dogs -- off leashes and yet perfectly behaved. No Cavs -- I do not think they could be off a leash and survive.

Have not been prey to any of the recollections I feared. I guess mostly because Madrid is so different -- as different to me as I am sure I would be to anyone who has not seen me since '72. I looked up our old street on a street map -- Vital Aza #25, I believe. Would like to go there but could not find the closest Metro. I guess I could take a taxi but not sure of the cost or how I would get back. Plus, would I recognize anything? And what purpose would it serve? It is not like visiting Santiago -- the cathedral has not changed in 100s of years ..... providing an anchor. I'll just go to bed and let tomorrow sort itself ...... I wish Maggie was here but she is not likely to do an impromptu trip. She is the only other person left from those days although she doesn't seem to remember a lot of stuff. Maybe some day I can get her to come.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Off to Spain
I need something to think about other than 1972. Maybe I should think about what September's Yoga Journal said we should all do. Write down short and long-term goals four times a year. Two personal, two business and two health for 1, 5 and 10 years. Because goal setting triggers "your subconscious computer". Which is really true -- just about anytime I have written down goals I have met them -- even getting back into my super skinny red dress :-). In fact about the only goal I have not met is be blond for a while -- ironically what I would have total control of so I must not really want it bad enough. Learning to swim, ride a bike, new job, all sorts of things the result of goal-setting. I should try it. The again I could be Sydney whose goal is to win at tug-of-war :-)!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Back Home from Alaska

Monday, September 15, 2008
In Anchorage
By the time I got to Ottawa I was really out of it. Was riding in a Regional Jet. Fell asleep. Got up suddenly and hit my head. Then when the customs agent asked me who I worked for I stumbled on my answer. The next question was "what are you doing in Ottawa?" I had no clue what branch of Government I was dealing with (later established it was Health-Canada and Industry-Canada -- or something like it). I knew I was staying at the Marriott -- just not WHICH Marriott. And to top things off I took the wrong exit and ended up with the people to be searched. The customs agent eventually got me out and took me to the taxis. When I got to the hotel I tried to get into the wrong room. But then everything seemed to sort itself out after I went to the gym right before the meeting. The Canadians are just super -- always so well organized. And their ethics are superb -- the most transparent evaluation I have ever been a part of. We could learn from them!
Got home late Friday night. Somehow managed to get everything done that needed to get done on Saturday. Returned Presley (here she is playing with Sydney -- as soon as I can upload photos!) to her parents. Their house got a lot of water damage during the storm - I

Mark and I left for Anchorage this morning -- a business conference. The ICAS/ATIO conference -- Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation Operations combined. It took FOREVER to get here. Flying against the "Ike" winds -- so many hurricanes. The airport is gorgeous -- thanks to the largess of Ted Stevens -- the soon to be convicted Senator. So sad when public servants become corrupt. Always something minor.

Anchorage is an interesting town -- has this "frontier" feeling about it. Will be here till Thu AM -- Mark till Fri AM. I miss Sydney :-( Really wanted to bring him -- but it would have been a hard trip for him. He is with Lynn and Bailey. I present on Wednesday. Have so much to do -- I am going to have to stay in my room so and catch up. I should be tired -- it is 1 AM in the East Coast. But I foolishly drank two Pepsi's and a Coke. As I hardly ever have caffeine I don't see sleeping for a while ......
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Sunday Breakfast
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Hurricane Hanna
Heather my hair dresser is as usual squeezing in brides so seems to be running late. I wish she would manage her schedule better but she's an awesome hairdresser. Both of the brides I've seen are older - and seem like bridezillas barking into their phones. I'm glad I got married at 22. I certainly was no bridezilla - getting married a week after college. My main goal was delegating all the prep to my Mom. I swear I did not spend over 24 hours total on planning -- and that includes the 8 hours at pre-marital classes. Becky spent the night on May 10. I had Daisy - my new puppy -- first one ever -- a wedding gift from Mark. Between talking to Becky and playing with the puppy did not get much sleep. I don't think I spent but half an hour getting ready - Olga - my Mom's first cousin - doing her best to "fix me up". You always look good at 22 - look back at the video and I don't think hours of primping would have made a difference. These brides are older and I guess they have greater expectations and learned to be demanding -:)