Monday, September 22, 2008

In Madrid

Arrived in Barajas (Madrid's airport) this morning a bit past 10 AM. The plane was not that full -- except for my row. I did find an empty two seat row towards the back. Moved there and got some sleep. Barajas seems totally foreign to me -- I just do not recognize anything about it. Staying outside the city -- at a Novotel. I accidentally went into the fancy Sofitel next door -- only to be told I was at the "Novotel". C'est le vie -- it is a room with a bath and lots of pillows.

No hotel gym though -- but a nice park across the street and I got a jog in. Not sure about tomorrow given the schedule -- we'll see. Saw lots of dogs -- off leashes and yet perfectly behaved. No Cavs -- I do not think they could be off a leash and survive.

Other than a jog and a walk to "El Cortes Ingles" -- the Department Store -- I really have not been anywhere. Have only lame pictures of my room. I could take the Metro in to the Center -- but I have a lot to do. Plus I need some sort of I.D. to walk around. If I take my passport and it gets stolen -- can't go home so I can't come back to go to Africa. If my driver's license gets stolen -- won't be able to rent a car in Seattle and get around. I'll be in trouble with work. In the end I just stayed put. Did go out to try to find dinner -- but no one was eating alone and I did not want to be mistaken for a "lady of the evening" (albeit not a very good one as I had on jeans -- but at least high heeled boots!). Had jamon serrano, tortilla espanola and crema catalana from room service. It was a "special" -- 24 Euros, about the same as a restaurant. Waaay too much food.

My Internet card is working very well -- I got a lot of work done. Hope to finish a lot of reviews etc. en route to Seattle. Picked up only one major new task today and finished 4 -- that's very good.

It is past 1 AM and I have to be down at breakfast by 8:30. I hope I do not have any more "intense" dreams. When I was taking an ill advised nap, I dreamt that I was about to give birth. Mark was there -- in a recreation of Anthony's birth, looking for a Doctor (unbeknown to me, mine had no Hospital privileges -- Maggie and most of my friends knew -- but they decided I would freak so they did not tell me -- eventually Dr. Rana delivered Anthony - all worked out as it usually does). Anthony was there as well -- a younger version -- but still old enough that a new baby was very welcomed. Then I woke up and was sorely disappointed. The dream seemed so real. Tried to phone Mark but could not find him -- which sent me into a tizzy of worry. Found him eventually, after the jog and a shower. He had overslept this morning -- as usual when I am not around. Sydney is no alarm clock -- that's for sure.

Have not been prey to any of the recollections I feared. I guess mostly because Madrid is so different -- as different to me as I am sure I would be to anyone who has not seen me since '72. I looked up our old street on a street map -- Vital Aza #25, I believe. Would like to go there but could not find the closest Metro. I guess I could take a taxi but not sure of the cost or how I would get back. Plus, would I recognize anything? And what purpose would it serve? It is not like visiting Santiago -- the cathedral has not changed in 100s of years ..... providing an anchor. I'll just go to bed and let tomorrow sort itself ...... I wish Maggie was here but she is not likely to do an impromptu trip. She is the only other person left from those days although she doesn't seem to remember a lot of stuff. Maybe some day I can get her to come.

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