Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Made it to Gabon

Flight was uneventful. Arrival was typical Africa. Although in some ways less so -- much less chaotic than other African countries I have visited. Then again is is really less chaotic or less chaotic to me? The usual mobs trying to carry your luggage. The hour waiting for a room key. Just seemed "normal". Maybe this was because in Paris Akos told us to take a deep breath -- that we were going into "Africa time". So when you are ready for a wait somehow it doesn't seem so bad. Gabon certainly seems to be developing - Akos says the rain forests are the most unspoilt in Africa, if not the world. Didn't see any of the horrid poverty so common to Africa. We set out to see them in the morning. I must say I am amazed my air card is working -- the wonders of technology. Surely it will not work at the National Park -- I will have to come to terms with being "disconnected".

Had a nice dinner by the pool. The group -- Andy (U.S. - native Hungarian), Spyros (Greece), Bjarne (Denmark), Claire (Ireland), Laurie (U.S.). Sharon (U.S.), and mine I forget the other lady's name -- Australian -- so nice -- Sanya -- that is it! Me and Mark make 9. Everyone is so well travelled -- Bjarne has 11 countries to go; Laurie 16. And Akos and Jessica guide -- funny they met on the cruise we were on -- seem perfect for each other. Work the Antarctica cruises together -- and I guess they now run the business together. Most everyone is married but came alone. Did not think their spouse would like it. I hope I do OK . I am worried about hiking in the jungle. Plus I have a runny nose -- and no cold medicine. Exhausted as well -- better go to sleep. Tomorrow the real adventure begins!

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