Saturday, September 20, 2008


Saturday has flown by. Probably because I did not get up as early as I planned :-) Of course Sydney does not help as he also does not get up. Did go to bed around 1 AM as I was still on Alaska time.
Did get a mani and an eye brow wax -- and we did buy our head lamps for Africa. But then I volunteered to watch Michael Anthony while Houeida got a haircut. I walked with him to the UPS store and mailed Maggie's B-day gift -- which was on my to do list. Then church, walked the dogs, went for a run. Then dinner, another walk and now all of the sudden it is 9 PM and I still have not packed for Spain or Africa as I intended. I better get it done or I will be too stressed to sleep.
Can't believe I am off to Madrid tomorrow. I'm a bit nervous about it -- hope I don't get all freaked out thinking about the past. Have not been there since '97 -- right after getting my Ph.D. Sure felt good then -- not sure about now -- I think I have forgotten the work.
And I hope I do not get sick with so much coming and going. Better get to doing something on my list ..... Also have a paper to write for my boss -- maybe I can do that tomorrow. Of course if my aircard does not work in Spain I will be in trouble. But I cold find an Internet Cafe -- so I am sure it will work out .....

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