Saturday, September 6, 2008

Hurricane Hanna

Saturday. Hurricane Hanna (or was it a Tropical Storm? I don't really know - don't pay that much attention to the news) seems to be moving over us. A LOT of rain. Poor Sydney - his bathroom is flooded :-( Got soaked walking to the Mall (the shopping one that is). Just a few feet. Got a free mini facial at Origins and scored all sorts of free samples for Africa. Then on to Starbucks (this AM did run and was at 98.5 lbs - need to get to 95 lbs). Now I'm at Elizabeth Arden's getting highlights. Had a mani - felt bad that I went to Ali rather than Chi even though Chi was free. But that's what the schedule did .... Plus Chi should be moving on to be an esthetecian (person who does facials) ... just like all the other nail techs. Chi was the best ever ... bummer.

Heather my hair dresser is as usual squeezing in brides so seems to be running late. I wish she would manage her schedule better but she's an awesome hairdresser. Both of the brides I've seen are older - and seem like bridezillas barking into their phones. I'm glad I got married at 22. I certainly was no bridezilla - getting married a week after college. My main goal was delegating all the prep to my Mom. I swear I did not spend over 24 hours total on planning -- and that includes the 8 hours at pre-marital classes. Becky spent the night on May 10. I had Daisy - my new puppy -- first one ever -- a wedding gift from Mark. Between talking to Becky and playing with the puppy did not get much sleep. I don't think I spent but half an hour getting ready - Olga - my Mom's first cousin - doing her best to "fix me up". You always look good at 22 - look back at the video and I don't think hours of primping would have made a difference. These brides are older and I guess they have greater expectations and learned to be demanding -:)

OK -- I'm back home now. Tulip did a nice job with the color -- and Heather ALWAYS does a nice job. Now if my hair would only stay the same through Africa ...... Of course it is still raining so hardly the day for a new do -- but I did not know this six weeks ago when I booked my appointment. I sometimes wonder why I spend so much time on my hair. Is it really worth it? When we went to Seychelles in '95 I gave up "fixing" my hair -- just wash and go. the funny thing was I looked the same in all the pictures as when I spent a bunch of time on my hair. Then again that was '95 and this is now.
Mark is "watching" some scary movie -- guess we'll go to church in a few so I have to wake him up. The rain is not as hard but the wind is awful -- hope there is no power outage .....

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