Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Back to doing Nada

Woken up by the phone at 8:30 AM. Tour operator wants to take us to Santa Marta at 9 AM. No can do – there was not that much to see in Cartagena – so I know there won’t be anything in Santa Marta. Back to sleep – but then wake up to finish “Shopaholic …”

Mark wakes up and I talk him into making me another yummy grilled cheese (which reminds me of Mary Ellen, Peter and Eileen Healy – our landlord’s kids when we first moved to Dayton and my three summer charges as a teenager (probably my most responsible job ever) – made them grilled cheese most every day; get to see what they are up to via High School news every once in a while; lost touch after my Mom “caused” the scandalous divorce of our neighbor -- their Mom not wanting them to have anything to do with our family). Another area I shall never know about – though even if my Mom were alive today I don’t think I would ask. I don’t know that anyone really “causes” a divorce – but even if they do they certainly do not admit it to themselves – so asking is futile. Ask Brad and Angie ….

Mark manages to go to the store by himself and get the right stuff. Clearly I am not as indispensable as I fancy myself. Off to the gorgeous pool, where I hung out all day (and kept up with e-mail – gosh I wish I could just telecommute from some warm place – I swear I would be more efficient). Went to the gas station for a snack … and waited for the sun to go down to see if Mark might visit the pool. Despite SPF 30 I did manage to burn myself ….. Gotta be more careful. Gorgeous sunset ... and talked Mark into a sun downer swim (always a coup!).

Went back to "The Restaurant" for dinner (it was all together crowded -- 3 couples!). Mark picked up the smallest cat (amazing that he does not get scratched -- he has a way with animals though -- I would have been torn to pieces). I miss my Sydney!

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