Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Full Day in Santa Marta

Had a horrid night. Slept a few hours then woke up at 4 AM (I think) freezing. So I decided to just try to talk to and generally bug Mark – who was none too happy about it. He must have been really desperate ‘cause he told me I could turn off the a/c (our room was 69 F). As soon as I wasn’t so called I realized I was hungry. So I bugged Mark some more. He had a granola bar, which he gave to me. That seemed to do the trick ‘cause I fell asleep. Started having nightmares – or not really nightmares per say, just odd dreams. Anthony and I loosing my grandmother (who has been dead for over 11 years) was the most vivid.

We eventually woke up a bit before 11. I didn’t think I needed to shower as I was going to the pool – which somehow seems to get Mark all worked up. He needs to chill – too many showers are not good for you!

We got some food at the Mini-Market – they don’t seem to have much. But certainly enough for lunch. And it is dirt cheap.
Have been hanging out at the pool since. The pool is huge – a 37 room hotel with probably a 2 acre pool. Most of the guests seem to be families – which makes sense as this is South America’s “summer” school holidays (though we are North of the Equator – it’s not far). Saw a giant iguana – got some good photos with new camera. Will send off to Jess and Akos for identification when I get back home.

The restaurant had at least some clients. Food is cheap. Beer cheaper, which Mark is taking full advantage of. Found the tours lady and the tours are about $75 max – food included. So we’ll probably go to Cartagena and maybe to see the town of Santa Marta. Going to Cartagena is a 4 AM departure – which hopefully we can muster. Santa Marta is a 2 PM departure -- more our speed!

Ironically I am being annoyed by aircraft noise. It isn’t constant – just what we call “single events”. We are a mile away from Santa Marta’s airport and no doubt outside what we call “significant” noise – 65 db average day and night (with night getting a higher weighing ‘cause awakenings are more annoying). So work is right here with me. We no doubt contributed to the noise because of the “Stage II” aircraft phase out in the developed world. All those planes found their way to the developing word. So I registered a “complaint” with my boss. And no sooner had I done that the helicopter noise started. I probably only hear the noise ‘cause it is my job to sop it – no one else seems bothered. Will probably go for a walk in a little bit – and hopefully not get kidnapped.

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