Tuesday, January 6, 2009

In Houston

In Houston tonight (view from my window -- can barely see a COntinental tail). My first business trip since October – have surely enjoyed the break from all the travel. I am home the next two weeks then off to Columbia on vacation. After that have a trip to Florida and a quick trip to Montreal. One more week of “Acting Acting” and my detail is done. Then I have to go to California for a week and a half (over a weekend, bummer). Then Italy in March, home a week and then London (back home April 1). Ouch – I will be exhausted. In April just have our vacation to Kuwait (and I want to get in a visit to Anthony – maybe first weekend in April – as I definitely do not want to drive over Easter. I want to try to have a Florida road trip with Maggie – not sure when to squeeze in. Would like to take Sydney – he is a South Beach sorta of dog!

The flight out was super bumpy. Sat next to this woman that kept talking (despite my efforts to do my work). Let’s see – she is just 38 years old. Is a dentist – who practices in DC, Houston and Virginia. Her husband is a cardiologist – who does heart transplants for children. Oh, and he is also an engineer who works at the Pentagon. She has a 19 year old son who is a veterinary – and started a practice in Houston (aside from two small children). So – this woman had a child at 18 – managed to go to dental school – and somehow her genius son finished college and vet school in record time. I think someone had too many vodkas (five by my count – I cannot believe the flight attendant kept serving her). If she is a dentist, I would not want to go to her – I would go nuts listening to her carrying on! Mental patient seems like a more logical occupation – LOL. O and she swore we started descent a hour before we did. She says she flies every week but seemed terrified of turbulence and points out every cloud. Something is clearly not right!

Get to see a biofuel flight demo tomorrow. Really excited about that. First in the U.S., first using algae, first on a twin engine plane. I hope we get alternative fuels right this time – this is my second go. First one being my first job – which thanks to Herb Lander’s persuasiveness derailed my planned career developing wrinkle creams for P&G. Well Herb Lander and the huge recession – no guarantee that P&G would have offered me a job had I shown up for my interview!

Hope Anthony is OK at home – hated to spend one of the nights he is home away. He leaves Sunday – and is going to Florida for Easter break so he won’t be home until May. If he gets an internship somewhere else this may be the last time he is home for an extended period (unless he comes home next Christmas – which there is never a guarantee of). Then again this is Anthony – only way he will get an internship out of town is if I apply for it! I think him getting an internship out of town would be sort of like his Spring break in the Keys – sad he is not coming home, but thrilled that he actually did something on his own. I do pray he finds his way.

Mark is in Orlando. I worry so much about his. He sees that crazy Bobby Webb on Wed. Hope Bobby does not get him into any trouble – Bobby has even less common sense than I do! I really worry about Mark’s recent symptoms – even though they seem to be subsiding.

Oh well – hope I can sleep in this strange bed tonight! Without my hound Sydney. Oh yeah we will be away during Sugar and Champagne (the Washington Humane Society fund raiser where you can bring your dig). But the Alexandria Humane Society is having a Valentine’s dance so my goal is to go to that (Mr. Sydney is such a cool accessory and I can wear my Manolos).

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