Friday, July 31, 2009

Back to Copenhagen

Everyone is so nice in Greenland. The hotel actually served breakfast early because we were leaving early. The airport was so peaceful. Sat next to a little boy (free seating). Then back to Kangerlussuaq….. Managed to find a couch to sleep on. And our tickets were business – so had a good snooze. Back to Copenhagen. As the free room was under my name (and I made gold member) our room was upgraded to the Executive Floor. Except the Executive Lounge was being redone. Drinks and snacks in the lobby. And they were almost out of snacks. I finally turned on my Blackberry and had 556 unread messages. Ouch. Over 159 could be erased easily – thank God. Drank some champagne. Luckily I passed on the desire to comment on the casual Fridays e-mails. For goodness sake – what is wrong with jeans. I mean people wear ugly stuff all the time – and that’s allowed. Thank goodness I did not say it.
I had slept so much that I could not sleep. Finished my e-mails. Had a bath. Got on Facebook. Made Mark mad. Finally fell asleep. Then Mark woke up (well – that’s too strong – he got up in his sleep). And he started turning on the TV, lights, you name it. I got him calmed down and back to sleep. Except I was hungry so I took some of Mark’s crunchy crackers. Which made noise. And woke Mark up again! And of course no way he would remember in the morning!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Long Hike

Had to actually be ready to go by 10:45 today (shower could wait I reckoned). The “Long Hike” started out OK. The guide said it would take “4 or 5 hours” depending on “you people”. Not too hard to the coffee stop. Got a bit harder to the lunch break. Of course there was the inevitable up and down to get to the same spot. And Mark had to pull me.
Lunch was torture. Was feeling nauseous so could not eat. And there were so many mosquitoes – simply horrific. I took off early to get a head start – but soon enough everyone caught up. Then the hard stuff started. Horrible rocks. Up and up and up. Cursed Wildlife and Nature Travel over and over. As bad as up was – down was worse. Actually started to cry. No one noticed though because there were so many mosquitoes you could not see. Supposedly you could do this hike on crutches. . Right
Eventually made it down. Sore as anything. Did get some t-shirts (as I was not envisioning another trip to World of Greenland). When I crawled back to the hotel had to go to bed. I guess for a little bit I stopped worrying about Mark as he did fine on the hike (because he got enough asleep he said). After a while took a really hot shower and started to feel better. So forgot about all the cursing about Wildlife and Nature Travel and ready once again to go to Midway.
Our Hotel was having a Greenlandic buffet night – so they were booked. We walked to the only Restaurant in town seemingly not associated with one of the handful of hotels – a Chinese place. In Greenland. Where actually a bunch of locals were at. And still pricey (though not as bad as the hotel). Off to bed – finished reading my book (by the Shopaholic author – Maggie gave it to me). I had also read the book Mark gave me about Nigerian e-mail schemes. Africa is just so different. And so different from orderly, clean Greenland.
Sad to be leaving tomorrow. Would love to come here in the winter and see the Northern lights.

A Tour of the Town and a Night Cruise Among the Icebergs

Woke up at 8:30 to grab breakfast. Was going to wear my PJs (like in Antarctica) but thought better of it. Then right back to bed. Up at 2 PM (felt great).
We went for the town tour. We were the only ones on it. Two tour guides (one in training). Both were Danish teachers. An interesting town – but hard to stretch the tour to 90 minutes. The main tour guide said she loved Greenland (as did the previous day’s – she had 15 sledge dogs – which she says she doesn’t quite trusts but loves). We had dinner at the gorgeous restaurant in our hotel – I guess the bill must have included the view. We pretended we had Anthony and Juanchi with us – then the bill was OK.
Another little nap (Greenland is very conducive to napping). Off for the midnight cruise (which started at 10). I thought we were going the same route as the night before – but Mark insisted we were not. Which I guess we were not upon closer inspection. We went toward the fiord. The views were gorgeous – got some great pics. Sure got cold though. Not too bad when we stopped for the obligatory speech. But when we got going again it was FREEZING. I hid in the back – with two blankets. Everyone else seemed OK. Of course I was the only one born in the Caribbean! Some Danish guy came in the back and talked to us. He was travelling with his parents – had given up his job at University and had travelled in South America and the U.S. Might be going back for his Ph.D. No wonder the Danes are so happy -- #1 in happiness surveys I think. Of course talked about climate change – I cannot believe everyone thinks airplanes are so awful. I guess the good news is he gave me his e-mail in case I do need a place in Copenhagen during COP 15. But I’m banking on Carl going if someone has to go. I probably should not stay with potentially murderous strangers – even for climate change. Maybe Carl can stay with the potentially murderous stranger!
We walked home – it wasn’t too bad. Got some pictures at 12:30 AM – with bright sunshine. Feeling scared about the “Great Hike” on Thursday. The book makes it sound scary. I want out – but of course I told Mark on Monday he had to force me to do stuff so he took me at my word.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On to Ilulissat

Got up early for breakfast. Checked our luggage with the airline and then went to sleep in our room until boarding. Not many places you can do that!
Quick flight (less than an hour). The views out the window as we landed were amazing – icebergs everywhere. And a sled at the airport!
Our hotel (the Icefiord – a view of the ice fiord from every room …) picked us up. World of Greenland (who operates all the tours we went on – or at least should have if we had not messed up yesterday) said we were REALLY far away. From the map it looked about a kilometer. Which it was. But I guess it was also one of the farthest distances in town!
The town of Ilulissat is much bigger. About 5000 people. Twice as many dogs, we were told. We walked back to the hotel past the sledge dogs. It was sort of sad – they were tied up. I guess resting during the summer. The puppies were loose and they came to see us though. They were SOOOOOO cute.
We got some snacks at the local store for lunch (everything is totally expensive). And our tours got all moved around (everyone in Greenland is so nice – they worked it out so we could do everything since one of the tours only has us in it).
So Tuesday night we went on the boat tour to some small town. The ride was great – awesome views. Once we got to the town it was sorta eerie. No people. Lots of sledge dogs. Attacked by puppies again (held one – his buddies grabbed my scarf – then my backpack). We did find the H8 Restaurant – had a great meal. Froze on the way back. The tour lady was nice and gave us a ride to the hotel. Amazing how bright and sunny it was – at 10 PM. Love the hotel – and three nights without changing!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Finally to Greenland (Kangerlussuaq)

Finally off to Greenland. Flew Air Greenland to Kangerlussuaq. No Business Class – but nice enough. Ironically half way home. Mark Lewis kept asking (on Facebook) why we were not going directly to Thule. He seems to forget he went on a military flight.
The air field was quite large – I guess left over by the American Air Force. I guess it sometimes serves as an emergency stop so it is mmaned 24/7. The “town” was hilarious – I cannot imagine there were more than a few hundred people – if that many. The Airport seemed to be “it”. The Hotel we stayed at and the Airport seemed to be combined. Our room was at the end of the runway. I thought the noise issue would be ironic – but it really wasn’t a problem at all.
Went on a “muskox” safari – which consisted of a drive and a bit of a walk. And spotting a couple of muskox really far away. I guess they are hunted so they are smart to hide. We then came back – and off on the Ice cap trip. Except I think we went with the wrong company. But it didn’t seem to matter.
The scenery was gorgeous – and the ice cap magnificent. Walked a bit to it and I got scared and stopped. I thought Mark would coax me but he didn’t so I stayed behind. When he came back I told him I was surprised he didn’t coax me. Amazing how after all these years sometimes we do not know each other!
Back for dinner (at the Hotel/Airport cafeteria) and off to bed ……

Sunday, July 26, 2009

In Copenhagen and a Visit with Bjarne

Got to Frankfurt early Sunday. Mark seemed totally out of it – not even sure he was awake. Took charge of getting us from point A to point B. Messed up gates – but we found the nice lounge. Flight to Copenhagen uneventful. Mark still looking spaced out. So I get our luggage and get us to the Hotel. Was sure our room (free – at the Airport Hilton) would be ready. Except it wasn’t. But we only waited half an hour. Great snooze. Sent Bjarne (who we met on the African misadventure – and we had agreed to meet in Copenhagen as he was coming back from a trip himself) a Facebook message asking him to phone us when he got in. Forgot what time we agreed to meet. I guess it was 3 PM as that’s when he called. By then Mark was fine so he could get ready quickly and go down for beers while I got ready.
Bjarne took us to downtown Copenhagen. Had not been there since me and then four year old Anthony met Mark for a long weekend when we were living in London. Denmark is so kid friendly – kids everywhere. So of course I get a day we l sad and miss baby Anthony – who I know no longer exists – but in Copenhagen he is real. Had some drinks outside (needed a blanket). Walked to the train (via Tivoli’s – the amusement park where I took Anthony the day we spent on our own – Mark had booked us a room in the red light district but it didn’t really matter much as our schedule was so off from that of than the standard residents :-)).
Bjarne took us to his sister’s for dinner. He seemed to get lost walking there. His sister (and brother-in-law) were so nice. They sure did smoke a lot (which was ironic since their jobs center around cancer screening equipment). All the Danes seemed to smoke a lot. We had a nice “typical;” Danish meal. I somehow thought we would go out to eat so I neglected to bring a gift. Bummer. Maybe next time. Bjarne said he was thinking of possibly doing Akos’ Midway excursion as well. So if we go we may see him. Of course Akos has to get a permit from U.S. Wildlife (or whatever it is called). So who knows if he’ll pull it off.
Mark seemed perfectly natural around Bjarne. He always seems more animated around others. Why can’t I go a single day without worrying about him? I keep imagining all sorts of horrid scenarios and almost crying. I have GOT to stop this.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

En route to Copenhagen

Got up relatively late. Talked Mark into getting up and making breakfast. Then decided to take Sydney for a walk before my shower. Talked to Houeida a bit – still cannot believe she is moving in a few days. I really do not understand why. Have not been spending time with Michael Anthony like I did last year – hard to get used to a baby then he moves away. I guess I now get a bit how Anthony’s nanny Bev (and my own nanny) may have felt.
Finally dawned on me that I was leaving on vacation in less than two hours and had to finish getting ready. Talked Anthony into driving us to Dulles. Poor Sydney was crying when we got in the car – calmed down when he got in the car – but I think by now he knows the airport is NOT a good place. Except BWI where he gets to pick up Anthony at Thanksgiving and Christmas!
We were able to get Business Class free tickets on Lufthansa – they have flat bed seats. So the travelling is a vacation itself! It was even extra nice because Lufthansa seems to have its own lounge now – you actually board from the lounge. Incredibly relaxing. Hardly anyone in Business Class on a Saturday. Going to Greenland via Copenhagen is sure a round about way …. But in Lufthansa Business Class it sure is nice …… Definitely not a "the worse the better" experience!

Friday, July 24, 2009

One more day and we are off .....

Day flew by at work. Amazing how my “regained” day filled up. Did get to go to the Aero Club for lunch – courtesy of Renee. That was fun.
Didn’t get home too terribly late – but was still at work till 6:15. Made a vow that I will not check e-mail while in Greenland. No one believed me – which sorta make me really want to do it.
Got my stuff mostly packed. Not sure what to expect of the weather. Glad to have the Antarctica clothes. Carry on not an option. Vacation is always so mixed; glad to be going, sad to leave Sydney behind. It is nice that he gets to stay with Anthony, but then that means Anthony stays behind as well. I so wish he had come – but I guess he really means it that he won’t go on holiday with us anymore. He did go to New Orleans – it was nice to travel with him again. Maybe some day he will change his mind …..
Cam had collapsed earlier in the week. Seemed like it was maybe his heart. But it turns out he had Lyme disease and he is being treated. Bizarre how with Facebook you got a play by play, including the ambulance ride. For a bit I did not worry about Mark – with worrying about Cam. But now I am back worrying about Mark …. Have got to focus on something else. Maybe being eaten by a muskox. Though their pictures look pretty harmless. I don't know why I always think some wild animal is going to eat me!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spa Preparations for Greenland

Managed to leave work on time. So I could go home, have dinner, and then go to the Spa. Facial, eyebrows and mani before vacation. Fell asleep during the facial.
Hurried up and did all sorts of things because Friday I was supposed to be on an interview panel (taking the boss’ place). However, when the political appointee in charge of this particular job found out – he freaked and threw a tantrum. So I no longer had to do it. Air first I was pissed, since ironically I was the most qualified to do the job. But then realized I got my Friday back – so I was happy. One more day and off to Greenland.
When I came home from the Spa Mark did his usual of telling me something was wrong without really telling me. Something is wrong or it isn’t – just cannot go on and on worrying all the time. He seemed to be looking something up with the health insurance and had some sort of prescription from Dr. Martin – the surgeon. I could have looked in his brief case when he fell asleep – but at some point you really have got to let go. If she gave him a prescription – must be treatable. Of course it could have been for some test …… I will just have to think about it in the morning!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

In New Orleans

Arrived at the airport really late last night. Was sad to leave Sydney -- but he does love Lynn and she said he settled in nicely. And it is not that long.

Got upgraded -- but that hardly makes a difference in such a short flight. Bob and Gail have moved out to the middle of nowhere. Their house is nice ... and it has less stuff. But still a lot of stuff! It is so funny how Vaughn lives down the street ... so "Everybody Loves Raymond".

Got to use Wii Fit. I don't know why I don't do it more often .... time just gets away.

Broke the door to Bob and Gail's gazebo. I didn't mean to -- just happened. I guess we don't really ever mean to cause accidents ... they just happen. I hope Mark (or Darren) can fix it.

Getting to see our nephews -- Christopher and Andrew. Had been three years. Amazing how kids that age (13 and 11) change so much. Had not seen Darren and Kelly in that time either. Hard to make small talk .... just not that much in common. They are playing some game ... I wish they got done and we could play dominoes.

Mark seems physically better. He went to Dr. Martin last week and goes to Dr. Rodriguez next week. He just will not tell me what they said. I worry and worry about him. I keep trying to trick him to no avail. Have had an upset tummy all week -- I am so worked up. Need to relax ... surely he would tell me if something was wrong. I think we both play off each other -- triggering each other's behavior.

I wish we were closer to the Quarter. It is kinda boring here. I have to work on the IPCC report ... but I am tired. Keep trying to take a nap .... and getting woken up. Maybe will try again .... Pics later.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It has been some time

My goodness .... cannot believe that it has been over a month since I posted in my blog. I guess Facebook is satisfying my need for exhibitionism!

Let's see ... completed the Komen race. I think I ended up as #9 or #10 in top fund raisers. Mark walked with Houieda. Went to the Bark Ball that night ... the pics are elsewhere.

Anthony got his job back at the FAA. Mark went to Vienna and Istanbul. Maggie came to visit. Had a great time. Pics are elsewhere as well. Anthony was quite communicative with her so got to find out lots of stuff.

I worked my butt off preparing for the ICAO/CAEP Steering Group in Salvador, Brazil. Got to be the U.S. rep. Survived. Managed to get most of our top priorities through. Forgot to get some good pics (it WAS busy!). Was told(by UNFCCC) the U.S. now seemed like Scandinavia and Europe like old Bush Administration. Mega lol.

July came around. I made it a year without buying any clothes and shoes. So I went on a big shopping spree. I was sorta expecting to get some $ for the time I spent "Acting". Didn't happen. I don't think the FAA has the rewards mentality USAF did. Heck just about anytime I write up an award the person wins. I certainly get paid enough ... Mark just doesn't let me have it. I guess goodbye pink Netbook and red Jimmy Choos. Oh and I have to write my own letter to get some time off for all the time I had to give up during vacation. Of course there is no time to do it ......

Went to Renee's for 4th of July Pool party. The monthly visitor got in the way. And no one else had a suit. And it was too cold.

Going to New Orleans over the w-e. Mark found out I was paying $250 to take Sydney so that fell through. Probably would have been a disaster in any case -- if they decided he was too big.

Well -- that's it for catch up. Seems as if I can get here from my work laptop again so catching up should be easier!