Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spa Preparations for Greenland

Managed to leave work on time. So I could go home, have dinner, and then go to the Spa. Facial, eyebrows and mani before vacation. Fell asleep during the facial.
Hurried up and did all sorts of things because Friday I was supposed to be on an interview panel (taking the boss’ place). However, when the political appointee in charge of this particular job found out – he freaked and threw a tantrum. So I no longer had to do it. Air first I was pissed, since ironically I was the most qualified to do the job. But then realized I got my Friday back – so I was happy. One more day and off to Greenland.
When I came home from the Spa Mark did his usual of telling me something was wrong without really telling me. Something is wrong or it isn’t – just cannot go on and on worrying all the time. He seemed to be looking something up with the health insurance and had some sort of prescription from Dr. Martin – the surgeon. I could have looked in his brief case when he fell asleep – but at some point you really have got to let go. If she gave him a prescription – must be treatable. Of course it could have been for some test …… I will just have to think about it in the morning!

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