Friday, July 24, 2009

One more day and we are off .....

Day flew by at work. Amazing how my “regained” day filled up. Did get to go to the Aero Club for lunch – courtesy of Renee. That was fun.
Didn’t get home too terribly late – but was still at work till 6:15. Made a vow that I will not check e-mail while in Greenland. No one believed me – which sorta make me really want to do it.
Got my stuff mostly packed. Not sure what to expect of the weather. Glad to have the Antarctica clothes. Carry on not an option. Vacation is always so mixed; glad to be going, sad to leave Sydney behind. It is nice that he gets to stay with Anthony, but then that means Anthony stays behind as well. I so wish he had come – but I guess he really means it that he won’t go on holiday with us anymore. He did go to New Orleans – it was nice to travel with him again. Maybe some day he will change his mind …..
Cam had collapsed earlier in the week. Seemed like it was maybe his heart. But it turns out he had Lyme disease and he is being treated. Bizarre how with Facebook you got a play by play, including the ambulance ride. For a bit I did not worry about Mark – with worrying about Cam. But now I am back worrying about Mark …. Have got to focus on something else. Maybe being eaten by a muskox. Though their pictures look pretty harmless. I don't know why I always think some wild animal is going to eat me!

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