Saturday, November 22, 2008

Celebrated the End of the Week With a Visit to the Mother Ship

Pheww ... made it to the week as Acting Acting Assistant Administrator while my temp boss is in Peru. I think I got everything done that had to be done ....... Some long days but that's OK. Didn't have any crying spells when I got home, which is great progress .....

Celebrated by going to what Maggie calls my "Mother Ship" -- E-Arden Red Door Spa. Got an eye brow wax and a mani. Then again I go to the Mother Ship every w-e -- but this time I earned it! Starbucks was super crowded ... tons of Christmas shoppers though not many people had lots of bags. A lot of sales. Our area is really doing OK economically but people are spooked.

Intended to go to see the new James Bond flick at 2:30 so we could go to church tonight. But H's furnace broke and we took Michael Anthony and Roma while she tried to get a space heater and groceries. She eventually got a repairman ... he was there when I walked Roma for her. Hope it got fixed 'cause it is FREEZING. I think Michael Anthony likes Mark better -- I guess he is more entertaining.

Saw the James Bond flick eventually. It was super action packed but somehow Mark fell asleep. When he woke up he said he fell asleep because there was no action :-) In this flick 007 was in Italy, London, Haiti, Bolivia and some country I thought was Kazakhstan. Darn it -- in the previous films he never went anywhere I had not been. Mark has been to Kazakhstan but I passed because as Mark said "I just had to work on my Ph.D.". And of course we've not been to Haiti. Don't like it when James Bond goes someplace I have not been. BA is having 50% miles off sale ... have to see if maybe we can go to Kazakhstan over a w-e .......

The grooming van is coming by tomorrow to groom Sydney ... hope it works out OK. He is soooo beautiful ... I do not want his hair messed up! The van comes between 11 and 11:30 so have to get up for 8:30 mass. Cam comes in tomorrow at Union Station at 11:30 PM. And I have to be on time at work Monday ... a long "action filled" day ... hope I make it through ......

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