Anthony helped me out quite a bit cleaning up. Cam watched. Mark slept through the mess ... only to wake up after it was mostly dried to growl. The storage room still is going to need some sorting and I have lots and lots of towels to wash. But all in all it could have been worse -- stuff happens. The boys (Cam and Anthony) are playing video games -- guess I was lucky to get the help I got. Mark is reading the paper. Wonder if he is awake ......
I continued to be amazed at the detached way in which I look at these "incidents". I ran around and cleaned up but if someone had a monitor on me I don't think they would have detected any anxiety at all. Funny I was just thinking of flooding Julia and Engracia's bathroom when I was a child in Havana. They worked in our house ... I was probably closer to them than anyone. In hind sight not such a nice thing to do -- though back then I would break into hysterics. No doubt they watched me cleaning up from their perch in heaven and laughed ......
I guess we survived the Great Thanksgiving Flood and we shall see what is next :-). I just heard a suspicious noise but it stopped so I can't tell what it was ......
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