Saturday, November 15, 2008

Somewhere between a refugee and an expatriate

Saturday night. Mark is back from India -- flight was even a little bit early. And he is amazingly still awake. That may be because it is morning in Bangalore :-) I actually fell asleep about 3 PM and did not manage to wake up enough to go to church tonight. Will make it in the morning.
Went to dinner with Dan and Vicki and their friends Brenda and Jerry who were in town. Just got back (and got a Sydney photo for my blog). Nice to see them. Told them about our Africa trip -- and I think everyone thought we were a bit crazy. I guess I "grew" into the crocodile infested river so funny how a lot of the earlier stuff to me was "not so bad". Really, I've gotten to the point that only the near capsizing the canoe in the crocodile infested river seems "bad". I didn't tell them about the rating of restaurants by number of mice or the mouse in the bathroom -- the rats at the resort seemed to create enough consternation :-)
Talked some about politics. Funny how I am the only one that does not think that paying a few thousand dollars in taxes to set up social programs is not a bad thing. I am puzzled about the horror about the bribe system in Africa -- which is clearly brought about by the uneven distribution of wealth -- and at the same time not seeing the need to give a hand to folks that for whatever reason are not as well off. Some people are lazy -- I know that. But some have not had opportunities. Or are not as smart. Or are born into a bad family situation. If I had not gotten all the help I got I would not be where I am today -- and I have no problem with helping others.
Then we talked some about work ... mostly folks qualifications. Funny how what we see in otters we so often do not see in ourselves.

I was reflecting on my two week tenure on the 10th floor earlier. The closest description that captures my experience is "somewhere between political refugee and expatriate". The political refugee comes from the major disorientation and sense that I do not belong -- which is reinforced by some of the nastier inhabitants of "10th floor world" (which is a euphemism as some of the inhabitants are in other floors :-)). The expatriate part is because of the "resources" that are available to deal with it -- the lifeline to other areas which are still there (which are not for a political refugee). And of course an expatriate can go back ..... I think if I view things in those terms I will truly learn a lot :-) and not go crazy!

Tonight we also talked about ethics and "black and white" and "gray". I think in the end it is obvious that no one can be pigeonholed. While I am gray in some social issues, I am VERY black and white on ethics. I am appalled (and I am grateful that I am) when someone who is about to retire asked for "a trip to Europe". Some of the "black and white" people all of the sudden felt that maybe that was OK because "everyone does it to some extent". And "gray" me all of the sudden was cringing. I am going to have to think about this during the week ... is "entitlement" ever right? Is my fear that dipping a toe into muck will lead to worse and worse and worse -- to the point that you lose your moral compass -- exaggerated? Often what upsets us the most in others is that which we fear the most in ourselves ......

Hope Michael Anthony (H's baby) is all better tomorrow ... had to get Pedyalite for him en route home. She had me leave it outside her door ... and Mark acted like a fool taking it up. Which made me laugh almost to the point of incontinence :-) .....

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