Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blue Sheep and Guitar Hero

Well the Christmas shopping season is off to a start ... I got a few things for other people ... but the big purchases were a T.V. for the bottom floor ... and Wii Guitar Hero -- Legends of Rock for myself :-). Anthony has been trying to teach me with mixed success. I want to practice the next two weeks while he is back at school and get better ... but who will do Christmas cards and shopping?

Sydney also got something new ... "Blue Sheep". The poor thing lasted about 24 hrs ... :-( Blue Sheep that is. I better not forget to order his "indestructible toy" tomorrow (from the woman I "met" in Zootoo) as the sale ends. This "after" picture of Blue Sheep says it all .....

Missed out on 50% miles in BA -- but honestly I did not see how to squeeze in a visit to Algeria or Syria in 2009 .... hopefully they will do this again some other time ... bummer we paid full miles for Kuwait .....

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