Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Slept in late -- best gift of all. Cuddled with Sydney (and Mark). Went to the Mother Ship for a mani -- and then to Origins for free Bday facial. Used my new pink Coach purse Maggie gave me for my Bday. Stopped at Starbucks en route ..... bought cookies at Godiva's. Had a Taco Bell soft taco. Total indulgence. Of course I did read my work e-mail in bed -- some of which made me mad. But hey -- c'est le vie.

I had a bad headache when I got up today -- took some Tylenol. After I got my free mini facial and ate my soft taco, I came home with an even worse headache and feeling nauseous. I laid down on the couch and just went to sleep. Mark woke me up at 4:30 PM (Sydney failed at this job) to see about going to church. I was gonna put it off till Sunday but he was gonna go by himself. I can't very well let him go outside on his own with hag woman on the prowl ..... LOL I did feel a bit better than at 2:30 PM so I went.
The gospels were about leprosy. Not the real intent -- but of course this gave Mark room to talk about "his" leprosy (he now has a rash he won't look into). I think the people in front of him must have heard him 'cause they would not shake his hand. He really needs to behave better in church -- I swear sometimes he acts like Anthony did when he was 2 -- except we had a cry room then.

I am now stressed because Mark reminded me I must have a dozen calls to return -- and I just don't feel like it. This woman from Australia I met last night -- Annie -- was telling us about this school called Timbertop in Australia. No doubt EVERYONE but me has heard about it (Prince Charles apparently went there -- but we won't hold it against the school). Anyhow her older son is undergoing the year where there is no contact with parents (except letters). An experience designed to let go of outside influences and find out who you really are. I wish they had Timbertop (except you bring your dog) for middle age women ....... I feel put upon by my environment but unable to get off "the wheel". Not sure if it is physical or mental -- but something is amiss. Need to think about this. In the morning.

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