Thursday, February 12, 2009

Today is my Bday. Sydney's kiss was a great end to a HORRIBLE day. First I had a terrible time getting out of bed. Then while reading e-mails in line at Starbucks -- uncovered that some folks in another organization had done some unsavory things to our programs. As I dug into it -- a solution seemed imminent. But then a whole array of lying and covering bases ensued. One person -- who works at our organization because I basically facilitated her entry was particularly sleazy about it -- pretending to care about it and trying to help me -- but really trying to keep my boss from raising it at her level in a rather obvious way. The poor guy that had given me the background info spent a lot of the conversation staring at his shoes because he knew clearly people were lying.

I was at work till 7 PM (meant to come home at 5). Doing pointless stuff -- no matter the outcome I have zero trust in folks I have to work with. And the old adage there are no friends in Washington is certainly true.

I took Sydney for a walk when I got home. Had a bunch of calls and I just could not face returning them. Got invited to a dinner tomorrow ... I hope I can get out of work. Was supposed to go to the movies ... but the friend I was going to had something else come up.
Oh and Anthony just ignored me. Reality is that to him Mark and I are ATMs. He truly seems incapable of caring about another person's feelings sometimes. Of course I guess I did that. Sometimes he does -- but others he is totally self centered.

And not to be forgotten -- the 10th floor people were at their best today. I just see little evidence of caring about our employees --- just jockeying for position. I guess a bright spot is my boss -- she seems to have the guts to speak up. Of course being eligible for retirement this year has to help :-)

I hope I feel better tomorrow ..... I need to get over this -- no one is sick, everything that happened today won't matter in 100 years, let alone 10 years.

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