Sunday, August 31, 2008
Last Day of August
The Weekend .....
My neighbor is back home after a couple of hospital visits -- hopefully all fixed up. Her brother is here helping her -- I continue to offer to help but not sure she needs my help ..... As long as she's OK, I'm happy :-) I'm not that handy with household tasks in any case so my help is probably only good if you are desperate!
Have gotten a lot of annoying work tasks completed this weekend. Briefings, reports, etc. Hope to get a bit more done .....
I cannot believe another big hurricane (Gustav) is headed for New Orleans. Mark's parents live further away now -- but still close enough that I'm sure they will have some issues. Hopefully no marauding criminals stealing TVs and cars! And now that the Olympics are over we have elections nonstop -- getting too boring too early.
Well I think I"ll have a snack and go to bed ... past midnight.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Over the Hump .....
Lynn brought over Bailey so now we have three Cavaliers (here trying to sit -- not an easy feat for three Cavs!). I love having all the babies ... reminds me of the days we had Daisy, Candy and Scarlett ... and then baby Anthony.
I have to finish a paper tonight but should not be hard ... need to go to sleep at a decent time. Friday I will work from home ... have to decide if it is worth to go in for staff meeting or if I can get more done here.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Crabby Monday

Sunday, August 24, 2008
What a Sunday .....
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Drop Off @ School
Process was very smooth - I guess that's what you get at a top school. We got there around 11. By noon we had gotten keys, moved everything into Anthony's room and I made his bed and unpacked as much stuff as I could before Mark started getting impatient. We then went to the bookstore and got Anthony's books. Good thing about computer science is there doesn't seem to be many books so we got off relatively easy (two books, a work book and a notebook). Well "easy" EXCEPT for something called a "clicker" which was more than half the bill!!
Went to Union Grill for lunch - for the second time - which makes it a tradition :-). A's roommate Will (they have an efficiency - but it is 3x the size of last year's room) and Tilak who came to our place for Thanksgiving (he's from India) joined us. No tears like last year - I think in large part because Anthony seemed excited/happy to see his friends. He looked a tad sad saying bye to baby Sydney but that's to be expected. But at school there wasn't that forlorn look that so broke my heart last year. I feel the peace that I felt when I visited in September - he is where he needs to be and we are so blessed to afford his education.
At parent's weekend last year one of the speakers - trying to counsel "helicopter" parents read us this quote from Kahlil Gibran (author of the much quoted "The Prophet"). Your children are not your children ... For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow. And you cannot go there - not even in your dreams. How true. I am finding that the hardest part of parenthood is the letting go. Poor A would still be in his bassinet by my bed were it not for Mark moving him into his own room and "replacing" him with a baby monitor so I would be fooled by hearing him breathe :-). I am sure the process will continue to be hard - I have not let go of my lost baby - A's brother or sister - about 6 weeks inside of me and forever a part of me. One of those very hard things to come to terms with since if I had had that baby I would most likely not have become pregnant with A less than a year later. Biggest loss/biggest gain - an immediate realization of God's infinite love and kindness. I better stop as now I am crying. But crying makes you feel better so that's OK. :-). I'll post photos later - can't quite figure out how to get them from camera to BB!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Last Day
We got to walk Sydney and Presley -- enjoyed the walk but sad to think it will be a long time before we do it again. And poor Sydney will be so sad. He'll be home at Thanksgiving -- but it will be cold again. I cannot believe how summer has flown by. I think Anthony will miss Sydney -- he asked to sleep with him tonight. But he's excited to see his friends -- and his classes should be fun -- well maybe not "fun" but rather challenging. The house will just seem so empty for a while :-( But like anything else -- will survive it! And then I can really count down till vacation as the count down will no longer coincide with days until Anthony leaves home -- but rather it will be a count down of days until he is home for Thanksgiving as well!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Doggie Happy Hour

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Bark Ball
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Yoga Night
Monday, August 18, 2008
On the Road to Santiago
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Had great plans for today. Mark left for Hawaii (lucky!) so I got up early to drive him to the airport (we usually go to Church on Saturday so we sleep as late as Sydney can hold it on Sunday!). The "plan" was to come home, go for a jog, have a shower, make breakfast for me and Anthony and then put in about 3 hours working on presentations for next week. Reality became a jog (check), shower (check), breakfast (check), reading the newspaper (small distraction) -- then totally sidetracked with a nap. From which I woke up at 3. Really quiet (except for the Olympics in the background) as Anthony, Sydney and our guest Roma were all asleep. I guess it will be a long night tonight as I have got to get at least one of the briefings done. Hopefully the Dr. Bob farewell (Dr. Bob being Anthony's former Scout Master) will not go on forever. Should be a couple of hundred people so should be able to slip out. Really do not like parties -- at least not parties with people. Dog parties are OK -- can always talk to dogs!
Just cannot seem to get a sufficient amount of my work done during the week. Meetings, telecons, people coming in and out constantly. And the worse distraction of all is press interviews -- usually someone looking for something unpleasant to write -- though not always. Friday afternoon our Public Affairs guy came by to say Fox News wanted an interview. I'm 99% my boss will take that -- God forbid we ever let a technical person talk about technical matters. My boss would let me -- but Public Affairs would have a cow. Probably an idiotic policy (supposedly the "Senior" people know how to handle it -- although to me they look totally amateurish the few times I have seen them ) -- but I'm glad for it as I would NOT want to be on Fox News (or any TV show at all except either Jon's Stewart's Daily Show or the Colbert Report). I am sure it will not happen but just talking about it will waste oodles of time.
Blogging is also quite an effective way of procrastinating. Now all I have time to do is walk the dogs and the briefing to my Research Advisory Committee will have to wait to be written. Wonder if Mark has made it to LA yet (where he had his stopover). I sure miss him -- but when he's back Anthony goes away. Never ends, always a trade-off :-(
Saturday, August 16, 2008
At E-Arden's
Science, Ethics and Global Warming
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I Can'T Believe It

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Reading with Burros
Happy Monday (August 11th)

Mark is in Dayton and gets to go to Hawaii next week. I guess I could have gone with him but only 12 days until Anthony goes back to school :-( ..... so I would rather stay home. I am not as weepy as last year but it is amazingly hard. I just cannot seem to get the yogic "be in the present" right. To Anthony 12 days is too far away to think about and he cannot understand why I am upset.
Speaking of Mark, I still cannot believe he beat me at the Komen Race. It is like the athletes at the Olympics that get beat by the opponent who NEVER beats them anywhere else. This was me in Santiago early in the morning. At the Hostal Alfonso ( By the way no one should pay more than 60 Euros for a room in Spain. The Hostales were super clean (a lot cleaner than our house) and much more fun than a big hotel. Always stayed right in the city center (except in Pamplona where it was unaffordable during San Fermines). Anyhow most every morning in Spain I went jogging (in Santiago at the park Alameda) and ran 5K. By contrast, this
is Mark. Not quite as cheerful. At about midday - barely up in time for breakfast. Needless to say he did not run a single day. I know I will win next year! Gonna go watch the Olympics now.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Vacation in Spain
Mark has agreed to do the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage Hopefully while we can still walk! As I've done 3 Alonzo Stagg 50/20 hikes (50 miles in under 20 hrs) - a Mom's record for Anthony's Scout Troop -- should be doable ......