Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Another one of those super busy -- what did I really accomplish days? :-) Just finished my work ... or at least that which absolutely needed to be finished tomorrow. Work was super "Dilbert" today -- as it is most days. Some days I feel like I should pay to go to work as it can be quite entertaining. Anthony is playing video games and Sydney sleeping. Mark still away. And I am wasting time writing stuff no one will read -- which I guess is a lot like my Ph.D. thesis and most of the technical papers I have ever written!
My friend Bev said she looked at my blog and learned a few things. Which seems super odd to me as I probably have written her more than anyone I know and I do not have many boundaries when it comes to sharing information.
I wonder if she knows who I consider my heroines? I wonder if anyone would ever guess that they are Scarlett O'Hara, Evita Peron (photo is me and Anthony at her tomb -- my second visit -- even though I try not to go anywhere twice as few places are ever quite as grand the second time around) and Audrey Hepburn. I think she would know Audrey as she used to call me Audrey when I lived in London and was much more elegant than I am now. Scarlett because I like her philosophy of "I'll think about it in the morning" and "Tomorrow is another day". She may seem flighty and shallow -- but when push came to shove she was the one that got things done. And Evita because as one of the play's song says "she had every disadvantage you need if you need to succeed". No money, no father ... She got so incredibly far in super male-dominated Latin America. But then again is Latin America really male dominated? Certainly was not the case with my grandparents :-)
OK -- better stop messing around and go to bed .... I am soooo sleepy.

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