Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Yoga Night

Just came home from yoga class. This picture has nothing to do with yoga -- other than in yoga we do downward and upward facing dog poses and Sydney is a dog :-) But it is so cute. We picked Sydney's name even before we got him -- a name that would work for a girl or a boy. And it followed the tradition of Roma -- Houeida's dog that started Anthony's business. Although I guess that was really TJ -- as TJ's mom recommended Anthony to Houeida. But Houeida recommended him to everyone else ....
We did forward bends in class today and I'm pretty good at those. Actually was doing pretty well (except for hand stand which I just cannot do so I ended up doing half hand stand -- which the teacher insists is harder -- says I am just afraid -- could be but I just cannot do it). But then we got to lotus pose and that did not go so well. As my teacher says though -- yoga is not a competitive sport. And I sure feel better after class -- I wish there was a class I could do after dropping off Anthony. I was feeling pretty down today but class made me feel better -- gets me out of my head -- thinking so much.
A different day today as I worked from home a couple of hours in the morning and then went to an all day meeting. Which was actually not boring. I think we may have a chance of getting alternative fuels right this time -- my second time around. Hard to get it "right" my first time around -- my first job -- after oil hit rock bottom. I hope that does not happen again -- don't want to do this a third time.
Did get a chance to talk to Sharon about one of my possible post retirement careers. That is having a hand in Cuba's reconstruction. As a volunteer. I think Cuba has the makings of turning into a Singapore -- the sort of thing that can happen in a totalitarian regime filled with highly educated people. If that does not work I'll volunteer for an environmental NGO -- though sometimes I worry NGOs are just fund raising machines. I can see Mark sipping cerveza and smoking Cuban cigars in Havana -- hopefully not too many. Anyhow the first step in getting something done is to say it out loud. Like with General Herrelko -- when he had us to breakfast with the boss and asked us what we wanted. Everyone else wanted a file cabinet, a desk, whatever. I said I wanted to live in Europe. And a few years later he made it happen -- albeit at the "small" price of working 70-80 hours a week on my Ph.D. Something I vowed never to do. Which goes to prove there is not such a thing as never for a lot of things.
Mark is in Hawaii still. Reading CNN, MSNBC and my blog -- as he put it "all you need to know". I wish I could read his blog. Oh, wait he does not have one! As I said -- there is not such a thing as never -- maybe some day he will have a blog.
I have got to get to bed at a decent hour tonight -- hard day tomorrow -- a bunch of meetings. Still have to put together a bunch of briefings -- and have a ton of documents to review. Arghhhh I'll just watch gymnastics -- even though the biased U.S. commentator is kinda a pain. I wonder if Mark will figure out how to post comments -- otherwise we can continue having this one way conversation -- a bit like when we got e-mail at work and me and Bev -- who sat across from each other -- used it to communicate. For no other reason than that it was there. Cannot imagine living without e-mail now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Needs an executive summary for us busy people