Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Bark Ball

Another summer day flew by today. Busy at work -- though I think I did accomplish some things today. Getting used to riding the bus without Anthony -- funny how quickly you can get used to something but getting unused to it is so hard. At least it is August in Washington and a lot of people are away. Which makes for fast commuting -- no crowds on Metro, the streets etc. All the "serious" people are away I guess getting ready to come back day after Labor Day and be "serious" again. Made it through Wednesday and no word from Fox News (was pretty sure that would not happen -- but pretty sure is not the same as certain). Have off site meetings Thursday and Friday so surely there is no way. My video will be in the cafeteria -- somehow I doubt it will go well but we'll see what people have to say -- if anything.
When I got home today went for a run -- going at lunch did not quite work :-( -- The weather has been gorgeous -- not the usual oppressive, humid Washington August weather. And speaking of Washington -- only in Washington would you see something like "the Bark Ball". Getting Sydney introduced us to a brand new world. The Bark Ball is a Humane Society fund raiser -- you basically take your dog to a black tie dinner. Happens in early June. Our neighbor Lynn (Bailey's Mom in photo) introduced us to the Bark Ball. Baby Sydney was such a hit. And Mark gets to use his tux. This year we had to go back again and Sydney brought his "cousin" (same breeder) Presley -- also our neighbor. So we had three Cavs! All the dogs "sit" with their owners. There was an Ambassador at the table next to us. His dog took a fancy to Mark (happens a lot with dogs -- which I guess means Mark is really nice as you cannot fool a dog). Of course Bailey also is in love with Mark and Presley was sitting on his lap so this caused all sorts of commotion and as usual I ended up getting "hurt". Then again perhaps it was more like embarrassed as this dog ended up under my skirt somehow :-)
Just a couple of days left of having Anthony home :-( We got pizza tonight. I know Mark won't like it but he does not know how to comment on my blog so he can't do anything about it! I am sad Anthony goes away but when I look at the cool classes he gets to take and see how excited he seems I feel better. I do have to manage a late Oct or early Nov trip to see him though as I do not see myself lasting till Thanksgiving!
Better go do some work -- more stuff to review ........ The Olympics getting a bit dreary -- the excitement has really worn off. I cannot believe it s dark a bit past 8 PM -- summer almost over. But vacation is around the corner!

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