Thursday, August 21, 2008

Doggie Happy Hour

Thursday night. Went to Doggie Happy Hour at Barkeley Square -- they have a big up front patio where there was a dog treat bar. Went with Lynn and Joyce -- and Bailey of course! Bailey is so funny -- here he is with his "boyfriend". Sometimes I fear he views me as a "rival". Lots of doggies -- always so much fun. I did not want to leave Anthony but I am glad I went as it got my mind off his leaving Saturday. Could not talk him into coming :-(
Anthony did not make his dinner so now I am cooking something. I am really worried he will be lazy at school and never eat now that he is in an apartment and only has a one meal a day meal ticket.
And Anthony cannot afford to lose weight -- his BMI is probably less than mine was in college and I was a 90 lb weakling like my best friend Becky's Mom used to say! I guess it is an irrational fear -- he has a debit card and is smart enough not to starve!

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