Sunday, August 24, 2008

What a Sunday .....

Wow -- what a crazy Sunday. My plans were to get up early and go jogging, then get cleaned up and go to church. Then I would do some work -- go get a mani and buy Maggie's Bday present -- and do some more work. There were about 10 things I needed to finish .....
First thing this AM our neighbor called because she was not feeling well. I was going to take her baby out for a walk. When I went to her house after church some other people were there and she had been taken to the hospital. I ran over to see what I could do. She had plenty of friends who are in health care -- but I stayed around to see what I could do. I am not impressed with the care a health care professional receives -- Mark's ER experience was infinitely better. But I guess maybe the hospital makes a difference. Eventually I got an assignment -- to buy groceries for the baby. I cancelled my mani and did that (but also did buy Maggie's gift). I'm really worried about my neighbor -- she is such a good friend and always helps everyone. She can be quite demanding and I am a bit afraid of her (I spent an hour looking for tangerines because she told me to get some and I was petrified of failing -- but as it turns out they are out of season!). Really praying that they sort her out -- it is not life threatening but it is rough when you have a baby to take care of. Hospitals are scary places -- I don't think the folks there know any more than a "civilian" and it just seems to me that the staff do not pay that much attention to detail. And I have a "routine" checkup tomorrow AM. New Dr. -- the one I found last year quit (I seem to be a jinx -- all my Drs go out of business). So I am freaked out ......
At least I did not spend the day on the couch being consoled by Sydney as I did last night (photo). Cavs are so sweet -- Sydney and Presley could tell I was sad so they spent a lot of time cuddling me. They both slept on my side of the bed .... they stay clear of Mark :-)
I guess I better go do as much work as I can .....

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