Sunday, August 17, 2008


Had great plans for today. Mark left for Hawaii (lucky!) so I got up early to drive him to the airport (we usually go to Church on Saturday so we sleep as late as Sydney can hold it on Sunday!). The "plan" was to come home, go for a jog, have a shower, make breakfast for me and Anthony and then put in about 3 hours working on presentations for next week. Reality became a jog (check), shower (check), breakfast (check), reading the newspaper (small distraction) -- then totally sidetracked with a nap. From which I woke up at 3. Really quiet (except for the Olympics in the background) as Anthony, Sydney and our guest Roma were all asleep. I guess it will be a long night tonight as I have got to get at least one of the briefings done. Hopefully the Dr. Bob farewell (Dr. Bob being Anthony's former Scout Master) will not go on forever. Should be a couple of hundred people so should be able to slip out. Really do not like parties -- at least not parties with people. Dog parties are OK -- can always talk to dogs!

Just cannot seem to get a sufficient amount of my work done during the week. Meetings, telecons, people coming in and out constantly. And the worse distraction of all is press interviews -- usually someone looking for something unpleasant to write -- though not always. Friday afternoon our Public Affairs guy came by to say Fox News wanted an interview. I'm 99% my boss will take that -- God forbid we ever let a technical person talk about technical matters. My boss would let me -- but Public Affairs would have a cow. Probably an idiotic policy (supposedly the "Senior" people know how to handle it -- although to me they look totally amateurish the few times I have seen them ) -- but I'm glad for it as I would NOT want to be on Fox News (or any TV show at all except either Jon's Stewart's Daily Show or the Colbert Report). I am sure it will not happen but just talking about it will waste oodles of time.

Blogging is also quite an effective way of procrastinating. Now all I have time to do is walk the dogs and the briefing to my Research Advisory Committee will have to wait to be written. Wonder if Mark has made it to LA yet (where he had his stopover). I sure miss him -- but when he's back Anthony goes away. Never ends, always a trade-off :-(

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