Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Sunday Full of Shocks in London ....

Interesting day today. The mood was certainly set last night. First I got an e-mail forwarded from Vicki Cox letting folks know that Fred Johnson (who was in Mark's office in London at the same time we were) had suddenly passed away. An aneurysm or a stroke -- it seems. More to come. This if course made me sad -- had not seen Fred for years but all the folks that were in London together were really close. He is the first of the group to pass away. And the suddenness and involvement of circulatory system renewed my worries about Mark.

I was up quite late (past 2 PM accounting for time change) on account of having to work on the report from the meeting last week. Has to be presented Wednesday -- but we as those of us that are still here from last week have another job, we really had to finish it at the weekend.

I was feeling fairly OK about Mark yesterday afternoon. The day in London was nice and I had talked to him in the morning. The blood tests had not shown anything ominous and he had seem OK during the week. His blood pressure was really perfectly normal from Monday on. Work up in the middle of the night and had a message from Mark telling me his blood pressure was once again 90s over 50s and he had felt lethargic all day. This set me off on an all night quest through the Internet of symptoms. Did not sleep well at all. I did just speak to him and he sounded OK -- but I am getting nowhere getting him to agree to see his internist. Maybe I will do better face to face and surely his parents will help.

Much later than when I wrote above ... back from looong work dinner. I'm tired so I will complete post later. Big shock was that Stephen and Vince split up. Mark knew but he felt he should not tell me (presumably because Vince had asked him not to). And when I told him I was having lunch with them -- he figured they got back together. It really wasn't awkward though -- I really like seeing those guys.

I will write more about today .... in the morning.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

In London ....

After testifying I ran to the airport to get to London for a Friday meeting. A really BORING activity to set long term goals for fuel burn reduction technology. I had participated in the Workshop by phone (I was supposed to be here but had to stay home to testify). Friday the "Independent Experts" met to start formulating the report. As my boss thinks this is really important -- had to be here. I had to stay the weekend as next week we have the NOx (stuff that leads to ozone/smog) review. We set those goals three years ago and now we have to see how far we've come. I get to go home on Thursday. I cannot wait -- I miss Sydney and my hound.
I am staying at the City Inn -- where I stayed once before. Near Parliament. It is quite "trendy". Small room -- but very chic. All chrome and modernistic looking.

I must say I did not realize quite how exciting London would be. I rolled out of bed this morning with the intention to go to South Ken for some reminiscing around Imperial College and then to Knighstbridge for obvious reasons (visit Harrods).

All of the sudden as I got toward Westminster tube stop, I was marching with the protesters. I was with the labor union and climate activists. Then the anti tourism people came so I thought I had protested enough!

I milled about; walked the tunnel from South Ken station to the Mech Eng Department (so different at 1 PM than at my usual 7:30 AM -- all alone with my thoughts). Went to Trinity church on Brompton Road and lit some candles. Went to Costas for lunch (got a paper and some toiletries I forgot at Boots). Went to Harrods. Walked by Harvey Nicks. Down toward Cadogan Square (where our fancy pants vaccine Doctor was) . Started to rain and I found a place to get a mani near Cadogan Square. The staff felt the need to give me protest survival tips. To which I replied the protest was a lot milder than Harrods (which it really was - I almost did get trampled at Harrods). They insisted I put my Harrods bag inside my Boots bag before I left as a Harrods bag was "dangerous".

Then it started to hail (big time) so I took a cab. The driver said the City Inn (where we are staying) was the "right" place for me as it was "smart". Then he went on to the protest survival advice. I told him I had been with the protesters and they were quite nice. To which he replied that Wednesday was the anti capitalist protest - and I would not find that quite so friendly. Which made me realize that maybe Mark is right and not only do I work for "the man" - one could argue I am "the man". Bummer. I also have not made it to Hyde Park corner (protesting at Hyde Park corner seems like something everyone should do). Maybe later ....... Hopefully the Hyde Park Corner events will still be going on after the meetings.

Tomorrow (I guess today as it is past midnight) going to go to our old church in St Johns Wood; then meet up with Vince and Stephen for lunch. It is hard to be in the old neighborhood without Mark and baby Anthony. So many memories. I cannot believe it has been over twelve years!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Survived Testimony

Wow -- that was an interesting experience. I was really nervous on Thursday morning. Got in an extra practice and then got in the van for the Hill with Carl, Nate, Clare, Hank and Marv. Carl is of course my boss. Nate and Clare worked on the testimony with me. Hank is the public affairs person in case there were reporters and Marv is the Government Affairs watch dog.

Got to the room early -- and walked right past Mark. I did not expect him to be inside -- I thought he would be out in line. Carl of course saw him and they were laughing at me.

The Chair -- Gabrielle Giffords -- from Arizona came down to the floor and met us. Very nice of her. The staff were very nice as well.

The room was small -- and there were little clocks by each speaker (as well as water -- so I guess I did not need the bottle I brought -- although as Marv nicely put it -- you cannot have too much water .. lol). Started on time and I know I fidgeted a lot while Jai the NASA guy talked. I think I drank half the water. When it finally came to me though I was not nervous. Soon realized it is easier than giving a paper as you have a script and you are sitting down. Just went over 20 secs (and Jai had gone over 1 min so I knew that was not an issue). Listened to Alan (Pratt & Whitney guy), Billy (Boeing guy) and Holden (Continental guy) -- but by then I was relaxed -- even though I knew the questions were coming.

The Congresswoman and the ranking members both asked thoughtful questions -- and we all answered them pretty well I thought. But some of the members started going :off subject" -- drawing attention to their parochial issues. I was impressed the Chair called them on it. I did not weigh in on those questions -- cannot win. I did answer any directed at me -- all pretty easy. Then back to the Chair and ranking member. A really long question for me -- which I somehow managed to get all the pieces of. And a last question which I deferred to Alan get started on -- but finished myself.

The bell rang and Members had to go vote -- so we were done. Was amazed that almost two hours had gone by. Turned around to look for Mark but he had left. Hank told me he stayed most of the time ... later Mark said he did not want to miss free lunch at the Academies. The room had gotten really full and much to my surprise there was a reporter who had questions.

Did get lots of kudos -- so that was nice. As Mark put it -- 10 years ago I would not have dreamed of being in such a fancy pants setting with Congressmen referring to me as "Dr. Maurice"!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Testifying to Congress

Doing it tomorrow at 10 AM -- see the website below-- you can see it live if you don't have something better to do (which I hope everyone does -- have something better to do that is). Subject is biofuels for aviation. I'm a tad scared :-)

Sorry I have not written much. Mark seems to be having trouble with an Africa infection (Or so it seems -- he keeps seeing Drs who really cannot treat whatever he has -- everyone but his internist -- at least he did see an infectious diseases Dr last week -- will take another week to get results I think). I just continue to worry about what if it is something else ... something scary. And I watch him like a hawk -- which drives him nuts .....

Plus I am still in "Acting" job (a different one -- my boss' job -- while he does the previous job I was an "Actor" in) -- which takes forever. Today was an example of craziness. Got up at 4:15 -- participated in a meting with London via phone until 1:30 ... went to work -- stayed there till after 5. Came home and packed to go to London tomorrow after the hearing for a meeting Friday. ABSOLUTELY nuts.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sydney's Photo Shoot ... Mark's Continuing Saga ... Next Week

Mine it has been a while since I have posted! Somehow between my last night in Padova and my first night in Paris I just did not feel like it at all ......
Let's see ... got home on March 13th. Nice flight -- empty seat next to me so I slept most of the way (missing a bunch of movies -- but I was super tired thanks to horrid insomnia).

Akos sent some of the pictures he took of Sydney. We should get a whole CD. He did an awesome job. Sydney is just so gorgeous. He worried me a bit today. He threw up this morning and then was not eating. Those are the symptoms that led to last year's near death experience. Which I maintain was brought on by lawn chemicals. I wanted to bring him to the vet and talked myself into an appointment. but he suddenly started eating so Mark suggested I cancel. When I called back I could tell the receptionist thought I was nuts ......

Mark has been driving me nuts. Last weekend he had a bout where his blood pressure shot up. Then down. He slept from Saturday night (when I walked him to the couch half way through his making dinner) to Sunday afternoon. He did go up and down the stairs but was mostly sleep. I wanted to take him to the ER but he refused as he was seeing the infectious diseases Doctor on Monday. He did go --- and now is sit around and wait. His symptoms could be any of 1000 tings. They took blood for some rare tests which will take a few weeks. I wish he would just see his GP -- I worry about cancer recurrence -- which the infectious diseases Dr said could be it as well -- but of course went on to do the weird tests. I guess Mark saw his oncologist in November and his surgeon in December while he was having symptoms and they did not find anything abnormal -- but I can't help but worry. He also continues to drive me nuts by saying I will be dead in a few weeks". I just cannot get through to him how cruel that is -- it is not a joke. I do think he is worried as today he asked me if the freckles in his arms had always been there. I think he thinks he has worms that are trying to come out. He is sleeping now .... which I think is good for him. I guess it is not any different than he has been before --- the low blood pressure and that fainting episode just freaked me out.
Which brings me to next week -- which will prove to be nuttier than ever. I was supposed to fly to England on Tuesday for meetings Wed-Fri and then Mon-Wed next week. But I was invited to testify to Congress (the Science Committee -- on bio fuels for aviation). So my boss wanted me to do that. The testimony is Thursday. The plan is to participate in the meeting via phone on Wed. Do what I can on Thursday. Then fly to London on Thursday night and make the meeting Friday (that is the "deliberation" part -- so it is most important -- but I am guessing the industry we are deliberating about will not be happy). I hope it all works -- I need to get ready for the testimony and all the worrying about Mark -- plus Houieda's baby is sick and she has needed some help -- has meant near zero preparation. I supposed I should be scared ... I hope they are not mean to me!

I wonder if it will be web cast ... or if I can have a photo. Probably not cool ..... And there is still the chance they will cancel -- which happens ALL the time! C'est le vie, I guess .....

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wildlife and Nature Travel -- Africa Strikes Again: Madagascar

I just talked to Mark tonight and he told me Akos and Jessica (here cooling heels in Brazzaville) left our house early (plan was to stay till Monday) because Wildlife and Nature Travel's trip to Madagascar (for which Akos leaves in a few days) is unraveling.

Apparently the civil unrest is making people pull out and their insurance won't cover - and all his $ is sunk. It was also tied with Comoros. Oh and a bunch of flights were cancelled. Akos does have people on the ground - but I wonder if the company will survive this. I really wanted to go next year -- maybe it will be OK but one never knows. Perhaps Papua New Guinea or Mongolia is a etter option. Do want to cash in on frequent traveller bonis.

These two seem to attract their share of drama. Maybe that's why I like them. As a rule I don't like house guests but I reckoned they would be different ..... and they were. Very entertaining.

On a funnier note I "charged" Akos a photo session with Sydney as rent. Mark said he took lots of pix. But he rushed out without downloading. I hope he sends them. Sydney seemed to like Jessica but would not go to Akos as easily - who actually was trying to get him to come :-). If truth be told he tends to behave a bit like a cat at times.

The funniest thing yet though was that those guys are raising "rare" finches (who live with their cat -- in a no pets apartment). So they spent some time calling around trying to find them. They already have some and were looking for mates. They were going to pick them up en route home (I did point out that I had no idea what Sydney would do to finches - rare or not). I can't help but think that may also not turn out so well ...... At least Jessica is pretty close to settling into grad school. Good thing that Akos' motto is "The Worse the Better". Like Mark said -- two people totally off center who are somehow perfect for each other! Amazing that she just happened to take the study abroad trip with Michigan State University -- and met Akos (ironically we were on that trip). Someone ought to write a book -- or a series about them. A bit like the Shopaholic series LOL. Only their addiction is dramatic trips with lots and lots of glitches.

Mass at St Anthony's

Made it to Padova -- after a short flight and a bunch of time at the airport waiting for the other person in our minivan. It was someone I knew and I kept pointing him out to the driver -- but both were air heads and it took a long time.

Took a short nap then walked into the city to see St Anthony's Cathedral once more (we were here in 1995 -- the year I first saw Rome). Arrived at 6 PM (made a few wrong turns and 20 mins turned into an hour) so stayed for mass. Left a candle (you can't light them -- you leave them -- probably to be resold to the street vendors). Visited the tomb. Left a note in the book about my Anthony and the connection to St. Anthony. Pitch black when I came out and all the taxis were gone. I didn't think I could find my way in the dark so I tried calling the number in the taxi stand -- no luck. Then I spotted taxis turning down a side street so I moved over and got one. Just 10 Euro to get back -- worth the price of not getting mugged, I think. Saw sooooo many dogs getting walked -- wish Sydney was here. And Anthony -- I almost cried during mass as the previous time I was here Anthony was 5 and there were a few small boys with their mommies :-( I miss both my babies .....
Anthony is in Florida for spring break. Miami and then a friend's house in the Keys. He actually sent me a text message to tell me he ate at Versailles -- my fave Miami Restaurant. And Mark spoke to me on the phone while I was eating a quick dinner (they were out of everything BUT lasagna) at the hotel -- so I am feeling good :-). Hope I sleep OK. Probably should not have had a 2 hour "short" nap .......

Waiting around in Munich

Left Washington last night. Now I am sitting in the lounge at Munich's airport -- waiting for my flight to Venice (about 90 mins left) -- to then take a mini bus to Padova. Zootooing to earn points for Vaughn's shelter seemed like a good thing to do after I e-mailed the work I did on the plane. I think I forgot my glasses at home so I could not fall asleep to prevent contacts from becoming gummy. Worked till I ran out of battery then watched movie after movie, At least I have 3 extra pairs of contacts. I do hope I just left the glasses behind versus loosing them -- though I do not see when/how I could have. Mark could not find them -- but I could have moved them from their usual spot by the sink and just did not put them in my bag.Poor Sydney was all distraught when he saw me off -- can't wait till Fri. At least this should be the worst travel day. Wed I go from Padova to Venice then to Paris ... and Fri just a direct flight home .....

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Off to Europe

As many times as I have travelled I seem to still get slightly nervous. Set the alarm for 8:30 AM but woke up at 7. Slept on and off and then finally took Sydney out. Had gone out to dinner (new place in Old Town -- loved it -- Jessica's sister works there) -- gotta try it maybe for Easter brunch. The desserts were to die for -- or looked to die for. I gave up desserts for lent. Funny how Mark NEVER orders dessert EXCEPT at lent.
Jessica and Akos went downtown. I went for a mani/pedi. Mark and Sydney will take me to Dulles in an hour. I am mostly packed (under Sydney's watchful eye -- I think. Off to Italy, then France and home on Friday. Busy days all days so no time to sight see .... No big deal -- have been to both places lots of times.Mark got his passports back yesterday (had to get an extra to be able to go to Kuwait as we have Israeli stamps). I have my official one for today -- but I hope I get my tourist one soon ...... I wish Mark had paid for express delivery which is safer -- hope it was not stolen ..... I checked the website and it said they had no record. But they also had no record of Mark's. Will give it the week. Can always pay the express service to get one in a day or two. We do need to get visas to Kuwait. Mark of course is going "nana-a-boobie" (sp?) I am going to Kuwait. He can be sooooo immature sometimes!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Got to see the Prez ... and meet some future Prez ....

On Monday as I was zig zagging across the country I saw a message that the President and Vice President were going to be at the Department for an event with Secretary LaHood (lots of transportation projects stimulus). When Bush spoke in November (when I was Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator -- and because Nancy was away -- Acting Assistant Administrator) we could not give tickets away. But I had a feeling this was different. I wrote Carl and Nancy from Kansas City and "volunteered" to attend if there were tickets. Well -- a bit more than volunteer. Pres Obama makes me feel "normal" -- being multi-racial, growing up all over the place, no father, off center mother, too educated, and too addicted to his Blackberry.

I was pleasantly surprised to have an e-mail on Monday that Gary was hanging on to a ticket for me (we had to leave by 8 and he is in earlier than most). Went with Gary and Bob (and Roger -- who had a coveted orange ticket and got to seat closer -- we just had green tickets). So I got to see the Prez -- first time I saw a President live. Even though it was far back -- it was still neat. He sure is skinny! Which reinforces my aversion to cameras -- they sure add weight. And oh yes, Mark's camera died because I forgot to charge the battery. But someone shared photos with me .... Oh and on the way back Fanny -- the EEO head who I fear thinks I am a nut case had to rescue me from a derelict in the Metro. He started talking to me -- and I of course had to look him in the eye and respond. She pulled me to the side and started talking to me. Then lectured me on the dangers of the city.

Seeing the Prez then got me thinking about meeting JP's twins in Palm Springs. I call it early recruiting! If they are anything like JP better start setting deadlines now. And then again -- perhaps one or the other will be a future President -- they already have that "charm about them". They were just sooooo cute. I just loooove babies.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Grooming Van Day and a Photo Shoot

The grooming van just left. Sydney looks awesome. But he is REALLY mad so I cannot get a pix. He does not understand the concept of being beautiful is hard work. He hid under the table when he saw Henry the groomer and I had to bribe him. I was thinking to myself that hopefully he will settle and I will get some good photos when the strangest thing happened.

I got an e-mail from Jessica -- from Wildlife and Nature Travel --the folks that organized our trip to West Central Africa. They are planning on visiting ... so I invited them to stay over. And in exchange, Akos -- who is an awesome photographer -- has promised to do Sydney's picture. And Sydney was just groomed. How awesome is that!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Roma may be moving :-(

His Mom interviewed for a job and she will probably get it. In Wisconsin. I will miss Roma (and his family) so much. I did not have the heart to tell Anthony -- Roma may be gone before Anthony comes home for summer. TJ was his first client -- but he hardly walked her. Roma was his buddy -- his first very regular client and the foundation of his business. Roma seems so much more like a person than a dog. And he has been through so much. He was abandoned and H rescued him. He was the center of her attention -- but since Michael Anthony came he is a bit neglected. And of course he was the center of attention at our house until Sydney came.

I do hope she gets the job though -- sounds like it will be good. I guess I will find out how my nanny felt -- and how Bev -- Anthony's nanny felt when a child they cared for moves.

One thing I will NOT miss though is the Roma accidents. Like being scratched/bitten in an unmentionable place before a Drs appointment (not Roma's fault -- Mark and Anthony cased it). Or the infamous Christmas 2007 Wii Bowling accident -- when I hit myself with the Wii controller after Roma ran into my arm as I was swinging. Had a super black eye. So much so that my boss came to see me -- closed the door and asked me if I had something I wanted to share with him -- understanding Christmas was a "stressful" time. Funny thing was this was a common incident ans Wii has redesigned. I guess I will write these off as a "the worse the better" stories :-)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Made it Home! And a surprise awaits!

Got to the airport at 4:30 AM. Had to get up at 3 AM -- ouch. I did not get on the 6:11 I was on standby for. I am sorry to say that the thought that I had two $100 bills on me (per the recommendation of Randy Pausch in "The Last Lecture" -- advice to be prepared). Maybe I could bribe the gate agent to give me one of the seats. Then I reminded myself "this is NOT Africa or Illinois. And FAA official tries to bribe airline for seat after weather creates chaos does not sound like a good headline!
I got on my flight to Kansas City -- despite being freaked by the tight connection. But it turned to be the same plane. Got home at 3 PM -- home by 4:30 (PM). Really just 9 hours later than planned. Snow is not so bad ....I was so glad to see Sydney ... and he was glad to see me. He had trouble using the bathroom due to the snow ....

I was feeling kinda blue a few days ago (still am a bit -- just not as bad). So Miss Nibbles -- Maggie's bunny -- sent me these cute PJs (they have bunnies!!!!). Sydney likes them as well! (I think). LOL maybe I should be depressed more often so I can get cool stuff!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Trying to get home (stuck in Denver)

Woke up this morning to messages of snow back East. It was supposed to start late tonight. I called the airlines to try to get booked on an earlier flight (I could still speak but would just skip a lunch time meeting).
The said all the flights BUT my red eye were cancelled into Washington Dulles. Insisted that my flight would not be cancelled as the snow would be over by morning.
Of course my flight was cancelled. Even though when I was having a blissful lunch and getting to meet JO Clarke's twins (here I am with Max -- spitting image of JP) I got a call telling me it was on time.
I got the call after lunch. I called the airline on the way to the airport, and after much angst they got me on a flight to Denver and then to Kansas City and eventually Washington tomorrow.
I was happy to get to Denver as I figured a bigger hub had more options. But not so much Kansas City ....
When I got to Denver I talked to costumer service -- who put me on stand by for 6:11 AM -- aside from giving me my boarding passes (I am not too happy about Kansas City as the connection is 35 minutes). The agent thought I should be able to get on the 6:11 .... but who knows -- that may be cancelled too!
Anyhow I managed to get a hotel thanks to my laptop.It took an hour to get here with all the walking and shuttles -- even though staying at an airport hotel.
I had to get on a 4 AM shuttle back because the 4:30 was booked. So I have to get up at 3 AM -- ouch. I guess it is 5 AM home and I do usually get up at 5:30 AM .....
Well -- hopefully I will get home one way or another .... I miss Sydney ... and Mark (even though he is being mean and will not talk to me on the phone)