Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sydney's Photo Shoot ... Mark's Continuing Saga ... Next Week

Mine it has been a while since I have posted! Somehow between my last night in Padova and my first night in Paris I just did not feel like it at all ......
Let's see ... got home on March 13th. Nice flight -- empty seat next to me so I slept most of the way (missing a bunch of movies -- but I was super tired thanks to horrid insomnia).

Akos sent some of the pictures he took of Sydney. We should get a whole CD. He did an awesome job. Sydney is just so gorgeous. He worried me a bit today. He threw up this morning and then was not eating. Those are the symptoms that led to last year's near death experience. Which I maintain was brought on by lawn chemicals. I wanted to bring him to the vet and talked myself into an appointment. but he suddenly started eating so Mark suggested I cancel. When I called back I could tell the receptionist thought I was nuts ......

Mark has been driving me nuts. Last weekend he had a bout where his blood pressure shot up. Then down. He slept from Saturday night (when I walked him to the couch half way through his making dinner) to Sunday afternoon. He did go up and down the stairs but was mostly sleep. I wanted to take him to the ER but he refused as he was seeing the infectious diseases Doctor on Monday. He did go --- and now is sit around and wait. His symptoms could be any of 1000 tings. They took blood for some rare tests which will take a few weeks. I wish he would just see his GP -- I worry about cancer recurrence -- which the infectious diseases Dr said could be it as well -- but of course went on to do the weird tests. I guess Mark saw his oncologist in November and his surgeon in December while he was having symptoms and they did not find anything abnormal -- but I can't help but worry. He also continues to drive me nuts by saying I will be dead in a few weeks". I just cannot get through to him how cruel that is -- it is not a joke. I do think he is worried as today he asked me if the freckles in his arms had always been there. I think he thinks he has worms that are trying to come out. He is sleeping now .... which I think is good for him. I guess it is not any different than he has been before --- the low blood pressure and that fainting episode just freaked me out.
Which brings me to next week -- which will prove to be nuttier than ever. I was supposed to fly to England on Tuesday for meetings Wed-Fri and then Mon-Wed next week. But I was invited to testify to Congress (the Science Committee -- on bio fuels for aviation). So my boss wanted me to do that. The testimony is Thursday. The plan is to participate in the meeting via phone on Wed. Do what I can on Thursday. Then fly to London on Thursday night and make the meeting Friday (that is the "deliberation" part -- so it is most important -- but I am guessing the industry we are deliberating about will not be happy). I hope it all works -- I need to get ready for the testimony and all the worrying about Mark -- plus Houieda's baby is sick and she has needed some help -- has meant near zero preparation. I supposed I should be scared ... I hope they are not mean to me!

I wonder if it will be web cast ... or if I can have a photo. Probably not cool ..... And there is still the chance they will cancel -- which happens ALL the time! C'est le vie, I guess .....

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