Saturday, March 28, 2009

In London ....

After testifying I ran to the airport to get to London for a Friday meeting. A really BORING activity to set long term goals for fuel burn reduction technology. I had participated in the Workshop by phone (I was supposed to be here but had to stay home to testify). Friday the "Independent Experts" met to start formulating the report. As my boss thinks this is really important -- had to be here. I had to stay the weekend as next week we have the NOx (stuff that leads to ozone/smog) review. We set those goals three years ago and now we have to see how far we've come. I get to go home on Thursday. I cannot wait -- I miss Sydney and my hound.
I am staying at the City Inn -- where I stayed once before. Near Parliament. It is quite "trendy". Small room -- but very chic. All chrome and modernistic looking.

I must say I did not realize quite how exciting London would be. I rolled out of bed this morning with the intention to go to South Ken for some reminiscing around Imperial College and then to Knighstbridge for obvious reasons (visit Harrods).

All of the sudden as I got toward Westminster tube stop, I was marching with the protesters. I was with the labor union and climate activists. Then the anti tourism people came so I thought I had protested enough!

I milled about; walked the tunnel from South Ken station to the Mech Eng Department (so different at 1 PM than at my usual 7:30 AM -- all alone with my thoughts). Went to Trinity church on Brompton Road and lit some candles. Went to Costas for lunch (got a paper and some toiletries I forgot at Boots). Went to Harrods. Walked by Harvey Nicks. Down toward Cadogan Square (where our fancy pants vaccine Doctor was) . Started to rain and I found a place to get a mani near Cadogan Square. The staff felt the need to give me protest survival tips. To which I replied the protest was a lot milder than Harrods (which it really was - I almost did get trampled at Harrods). They insisted I put my Harrods bag inside my Boots bag before I left as a Harrods bag was "dangerous".

Then it started to hail (big time) so I took a cab. The driver said the City Inn (where we are staying) was the "right" place for me as it was "smart". Then he went on to the protest survival advice. I told him I had been with the protesters and they were quite nice. To which he replied that Wednesday was the anti capitalist protest - and I would not find that quite so friendly. Which made me realize that maybe Mark is right and not only do I work for "the man" - one could argue I am "the man". Bummer. I also have not made it to Hyde Park corner (protesting at Hyde Park corner seems like something everyone should do). Maybe later ....... Hopefully the Hyde Park Corner events will still be going on after the meetings.

Tomorrow (I guess today as it is past midnight) going to go to our old church in St Johns Wood; then meet up with Vince and Stephen for lunch. It is hard to be in the old neighborhood without Mark and baby Anthony. So many memories. I cannot believe it has been over twelve years!

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