Sunday, March 1, 2009

Trying to get home (stuck in Denver)

Woke up this morning to messages of snow back East. It was supposed to start late tonight. I called the airlines to try to get booked on an earlier flight (I could still speak but would just skip a lunch time meeting).
The said all the flights BUT my red eye were cancelled into Washington Dulles. Insisted that my flight would not be cancelled as the snow would be over by morning.
Of course my flight was cancelled. Even though when I was having a blissful lunch and getting to meet JO Clarke's twins (here I am with Max -- spitting image of JP) I got a call telling me it was on time.
I got the call after lunch. I called the airline on the way to the airport, and after much angst they got me on a flight to Denver and then to Kansas City and eventually Washington tomorrow.
I was happy to get to Denver as I figured a bigger hub had more options. But not so much Kansas City ....
When I got to Denver I talked to costumer service -- who put me on stand by for 6:11 AM -- aside from giving me my boarding passes (I am not too happy about Kansas City as the connection is 35 minutes). The agent thought I should be able to get on the 6:11 .... but who knows -- that may be cancelled too!
Anyhow I managed to get a hotel thanks to my laptop.It took an hour to get here with all the walking and shuttles -- even though staying at an airport hotel.
I had to get on a 4 AM shuttle back because the 4:30 was booked. So I have to get up at 3 AM -- ouch. I guess it is 5 AM home and I do usually get up at 5:30 AM .....
Well -- hopefully I will get home one way or another .... I miss Sydney ... and Mark (even though he is being mean and will not talk to me on the phone)

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