Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Grooming Van Day and a Photo Shoot

The grooming van just left. Sydney looks awesome. But he is REALLY mad so I cannot get a pix. He does not understand the concept of being beautiful is hard work. He hid under the table when he saw Henry the groomer and I had to bribe him. I was thinking to myself that hopefully he will settle and I will get some good photos when the strangest thing happened.

I got an e-mail from Jessica -- from Wildlife and Nature Travel --the folks that organized our trip to West Central Africa. They are planning on visiting ... so I invited them to stay over. And in exchange, Akos -- who is an awesome photographer -- has promised to do Sydney's picture. And Sydney was just groomed. How awesome is that!

1 comment:

Dog Groomers Sydney said...

Nice picture he is looking so cute.