Thursday, March 26, 2009

Survived Testimony

Wow -- that was an interesting experience. I was really nervous on Thursday morning. Got in an extra practice and then got in the van for the Hill with Carl, Nate, Clare, Hank and Marv. Carl is of course my boss. Nate and Clare worked on the testimony with me. Hank is the public affairs person in case there were reporters and Marv is the Government Affairs watch dog.

Got to the room early -- and walked right past Mark. I did not expect him to be inside -- I thought he would be out in line. Carl of course saw him and they were laughing at me.

The Chair -- Gabrielle Giffords -- from Arizona came down to the floor and met us. Very nice of her. The staff were very nice as well.

The room was small -- and there were little clocks by each speaker (as well as water -- so I guess I did not need the bottle I brought -- although as Marv nicely put it -- you cannot have too much water .. lol). Started on time and I know I fidgeted a lot while Jai the NASA guy talked. I think I drank half the water. When it finally came to me though I was not nervous. Soon realized it is easier than giving a paper as you have a script and you are sitting down. Just went over 20 secs (and Jai had gone over 1 min so I knew that was not an issue). Listened to Alan (Pratt & Whitney guy), Billy (Boeing guy) and Holden (Continental guy) -- but by then I was relaxed -- even though I knew the questions were coming.

The Congresswoman and the ranking members both asked thoughtful questions -- and we all answered them pretty well I thought. But some of the members started going :off subject" -- drawing attention to their parochial issues. I was impressed the Chair called them on it. I did not weigh in on those questions -- cannot win. I did answer any directed at me -- all pretty easy. Then back to the Chair and ranking member. A really long question for me -- which I somehow managed to get all the pieces of. And a last question which I deferred to Alan get started on -- but finished myself.

The bell rang and Members had to go vote -- so we were done. Was amazed that almost two hours had gone by. Turned around to look for Mark but he had left. Hank told me he stayed most of the time ... later Mark said he did not want to miss free lunch at the Academies. The room had gotten really full and much to my surprise there was a reporter who had questions.

Did get lots of kudos -- so that was nice. As Mark put it -- 10 years ago I would not have dreamed of being in such a fancy pants setting with Congressmen referring to me as "Dr. Maurice"!

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