Saturday, March 7, 2009

Off to Europe

As many times as I have travelled I seem to still get slightly nervous. Set the alarm for 8:30 AM but woke up at 7. Slept on and off and then finally took Sydney out. Had gone out to dinner (new place in Old Town -- loved it -- Jessica's sister works there) -- gotta try it maybe for Easter brunch. The desserts were to die for -- or looked to die for. I gave up desserts for lent. Funny how Mark NEVER orders dessert EXCEPT at lent.
Jessica and Akos went downtown. I went for a mani/pedi. Mark and Sydney will take me to Dulles in an hour. I am mostly packed (under Sydney's watchful eye -- I think. Off to Italy, then France and home on Friday. Busy days all days so no time to sight see .... No big deal -- have been to both places lots of times.Mark got his passports back yesterday (had to get an extra to be able to go to Kuwait as we have Israeli stamps). I have my official one for today -- but I hope I get my tourist one soon ...... I wish Mark had paid for express delivery which is safer -- hope it was not stolen ..... I checked the website and it said they had no record. But they also had no record of Mark's. Will give it the week. Can always pay the express service to get one in a day or two. We do need to get visas to Kuwait. Mark of course is going "nana-a-boobie" (sp?) I am going to Kuwait. He can be sooooo immature sometimes!

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