Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cooling Our Heels in Brazzaville

Another day in “beautiful” Brazzaville. Skipped breakfast again – I think part of my issue is eating more than usual. Just eating a piece of bread or a croissant seems to be working better :-) And getting me closer to my "ideal weight" :-)

Got on a relatively nice boat and went down the Congo. Made a “bush break” stop at some island – saw a temporary fishing village. Some of the folks in our group have no respect about pictures and just photograph people at will – which really drives me nuts. I do not think I am made for group travel – the same people that a week or two ago were interesting and colorful are driving me nuts now. I think this is really a case of it’s not them – it is me.

Stopped at an island on the Congo that seemed to have a little Hotel. Got there pretty early (courtesy of Akos wanting the best light for photography – there really was no need to take off at 7:30 AM – unfortunately since Jessica was sick last night she could not rein him in :-)). They were very nice – set up beach chairs and cushions on the swings for us. I went and sat by the beach to read in peace – the conversation driving me bunkers (we know everyone has been lots of places – no need to bring it up constantly – or to have 3 or 4 people repeat the name of a bird – like King Fisher ….. Our boat took off at some point which made me a bit nervous. They were preparing a canoe with chairs so I thought maybe that was the replacement. But eventually Jean-Pierre our local guide awoke from his nap – and the boat came back.

The staff made us a very nice lunch – I had sweet plantains, rice and French fries – which seems to agree with my stomach. Being intimidate by Akos into eating greens and fruits was a really dumb idea – a lot easier to overcome now that I have gotten to know him a bit and see that he is simply human like the rest of us. No wiser or dumber – just trying his best to run a business.
On the way back “wondered” into the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire) by boat – so if we make it into Central African Republic (which at this point I do not take as a given) we will have made it into 5 countries (all new for us) – just not the originally planned 5 :-). Akos and Jessica let everyone know what the rest of the program will be like – but I was at the beach. Mark heard most of it and I got a synopsis from Jessica. We have to repack and just take a few things for Mon-Fri – and leave most of our stuff at the hotel. This should facilitate transfers/lost luggage. Have left enough stuff behind that I think it is doable – it just sounds like the travelling will be tough …. But just 4 more nights … I cannot wait to be on that plane to France .. this has been interesting but way too long. I really miss my baby Sydney and my house.

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