Friday, October 31, 2008


And what a gorgeous one. Perfect weather -- just a little bit cool and perfectly clear. A Friday so I do not think we have had as many trick or treaters as usual. It was Wesley's (Presley's brother) first Halloween. He was soooo cute in a giraffe custom -- and his grand parents were here to take him around with his Mom. We had gotten him and Michael Anthony "Bears in the Night" by Dr. Seuss. Michael Anthony did not come by -- but Wesley's visit was a treat :-)

It is 8:30 PM and I still have two big bags of candy plus half a bowl. I think I've given away about 14 bags. Between 3-5 pieces each. Most of the Hispanic kids that come by (in droves) are afraid of Sydney and his friend Carter who is visiting because his Mom and Dad went to a concert. Carter is just six months -- he is fearless and tries to run out and lick everyone. Carter is a Cavalier - Bichon Frise mix (a Cavachon). He is ultra cute ... but not as cute and luxurious as a Cavalier. Some of the kids will not come up because these little 15 pound dogs are at the door.

Sydney is wearing his pumpkin custom from last year (Lynn gave it to him). Still fits him so maybe he has not gained all the weight I thought he had gained while we were in Africa. Sydney does not quite know what to make of Carter ... he enjoys playing with him ... but he is also annoyed by him :-). Sydney won't go to the door to see the kids ... but gets jealous when Mark holds Carter to keep Carter from running out with the kids. Sometimes Sydney can be so shy. Unless someone is afraid of him ... then he jumps all over them!
It is 8:45 now and just had a bunch more kids so I may be dipping into my next to last bag. Visiting Pittsburgh tomorrow (meeting Maggie there) so was planning on taking the extra candy to Anthony. Bought him a box -- so he'll be fine. And Maggie is bringing him her extra candy.
Have not seen Anthony since August -- over two months. And he'll be home for Thanksgiving in just three weeks -- I am excited about that as well. Cam is supposed to come too but has not let me know his plans.
Today was my last day as Chief Scientist for a few months. Come Monday I will be Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator ... not a very impressive job title ...... but hey it should be entertaining. Just for about 3 months ... filling in while we wait for a political appointee Assistant Administrator. Then Nancy the permanent Deputy goes back to her job. And the Acting Chief Scientists goes back to his. And I go back to mine. Musical chairs :-). I was Acting Director most of the week .... somehow I don't think I will be getting an Oscar. I hope I do OK at this job ... it is very different than anything I have ever done. But I will think about that on Monday ... right now I am excited about going to Pittsburgh. Have to pack and bathe Sydney ... but waiting to see of more trick or treaters come. Guess I better get a move on ... have to take Carter home and put him in his crate. Not looking forward to that :-(

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