The boatmen are annoyed by the umbrellas so they rearrange the chairs single file. We eat lunch – passing food back and forth – announcing “chicken going forward” or “cheese going back”. I find it amusing and for a while I forget our predicament.
Starts getting dark around 6 – fully dark by 6:30. No moon yet though the skies are clear. Seem to be making good time – then we get to the rapids. The boatmen all of the sudden make a sharp turn to shore – and nearly capsize the canoe. Mark wakes up in the middle of the maneuver but everyone else saw it coming and is terrified. Andy is the most calm – having told those near him – swim to shore and climb a tree (have to get away from the crocodiles). The good news is the rapids are close to Bombassa and soon enough we arrive.
I am surprised that we will have separate rooms (thought it was all bunk beds). Sanya, Laurie, Sharon and Claire do room together. Jessica and Akos and Mark and I share a hut with two rooms. Much nicer than I expected – but no bathroom – so I make sure not to drink a lot of water to avoid midnight walks. I go to the bathroom and see a mouse. I amaze myself – I do not jump or scream and the mouse settles himself on a pipe. He or she is almost cute.
Sharon does have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night (we went to bed shortly after 9 PM – with a planned 2 AM departure). She senses she is being followed –and feels a man is following her. She hears Jean-Pierre whispering but cannot make out what’s being said. It turns out he was saying “run” as an elephant was behind the bathroom! We finally have an elephant visit the camp – and no one is hurt – so all is good.
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