Friday, October 10, 2008

Easy Day at Lope Park and on to Brazaville (Congo)

"Easy" day of sorts in Lope National Park in that it involved no long distance travel or bribes to anyone. Not so "easy" in that I have a horribly upset stomach -- unlike Mark the local food does not agree with me :-(

The afternoon game drive was nice -- got to see forest elephants (lots of babies) and buffalo very closely. I wish I could watch them in perfect quiet -- but there is always the click of cameras and a bit of chatter. One person in our group insisted in buying water at the local market since it was cheaper. This really upset me -- as the people at the lodge were so nice and we can certainly afford the extra Euro or so. Maybe I'm just too picky or too sensitive.

Only had soup at dinner to try to alleviate my tummy. Akos told us the story of his trip from Nigeria to Cameroon for his first research project. Even if only half of it was true it was amazing. Cars, boats, pirates, bullets, malaria, near plane crashes ..... But as he said the worse the better and then his experience in Cameroon was good. I asked him if he expected me to believe his story when he questions the moon landing :-) He sad he only questions the photography. Seems a little bit odd to me that he is the only one who has figured this out. Apparently it is common amongst Europeans (my guess is Eastern ones) to question the Moon Landings. I seriously doubt anyone would pull off such a hoax.

Mark went on the morning game drive/forest walk. I slept as long as possible -- only regret is not seeing the monkeys that Mark saw running away -- several dozen he said. Got my shower in at 8:30 before they turned off the water. It was pretty warm. Ate a couple of Madelines I had left from Paris -- and a bit of tea. I'm a bit dizzy now but better than the alternative :-)

Our charter flight came to get us right on time -- landed on a grassy strip. Beautiful aircraft -- a Dornier -- could not tell where the pilots were from. Europeans or maybe South African. Made it to Libreville with no problems. Some "volunteers" at the airport helped us negotiate the way to check in with our fave airline -- Air Services -- the folks that sold our seats to Sao Tome to a higher bidder. We managed to be at the front of the queue and got all checked in. Akos went back and got us sandwiches-- hopefully mine will settle -- it is just cheese. Supposedly someone is meeting us in Brazzaville -- so maybe the bribing etc. will go better. I can't imagine what going to Central African Republic by land will be like! Not sure I will have Internet the next few days -- next entry may not be till October 18 ....... Unless we are stuck in Libreville some more. Eight nights left -- two at a hotel and six God knows where. If my stomach settles I think I will make it ..... I guess I should say I KNOW I can make it!

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