Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Into the Bush

The trip to Loango National Park should have given me a clue as to what I was getting into. A flight from Libreville took us to Port Gentil, Gabon’s largest city. About an hour on a Dornier – about 35 seats – nothing too scary. Then we got into a charter flight (all else aside – charter flights ARE nice). Took is to Omboue – where it was raining cats and dogs. We quickly got into a big 4 wheel drive truck – uncovered on the sides. Next stop was a small hotel like place – where we “hung out” while they secured the luggage. Gave us rain coats and put us into a boat – uncovered. Had about a 1 hour ride over (mercifully) a pretty calm lagoon; started out quite wet – and looking quite silly using an umbrella. But eventually it stopped raining.

Got to Evengue – a small island – and checked into Evengue lodge. Our room faced the water – which was nice. The noise of the rain forest made it obvious that we would have “room mates” that night. Too late to turn around – but I was seriously freaked out. Everyone else was calm – which made it somewhat less scary. Had lunch, then went for a “forest walk” – not too bad – flat ground and I had told Akos I was petrified of snakes so I figured he would not go out of his way to find me some. Saw some birds – with pinkish bellies. Lots of them. I am sure they have a fancy name – repeated by Akos many times. First realization that Akos is TOTALLY obsessed with birds (as is Andy – also a Hungarian). I am just not that into birds – but it is nice to see someone enjoy something so much. Even more so Jessica – who clearly was made for this sort of trip.

After the birds we got a turn at the gorillas. Western Lowland gorillas. Part of a project to rehabilitate gorillas and send them into the wild. The three we saw will have to stay in the island forever though. The other six are far enough along that they could not be visited. Nicholas, the head vet, talked to us quite a bit about the project. He is Canadian and clearly passionate about this. Maybe a little bit too much so. He is going to be on a “Survivor” (which ironically is set in Gabon this season) episode in November. Shall have to watch.

Got to see the bats take off for the night – which of course you can see in Austin as well. Dinner was nice but I could not wait to go to bed. Decided to skip the “optional” boat trip to see the bats return so looking at a several hours – needed on all fronts – insomnia due to serious jet lag and have a runny nose that won’t quit. May be allergies. Who knows.

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