Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Another year completed. Certainly this will be remembered as the year we survived the great African Adventure. One of our fellow travelers sent her journal today -- -- much more polite than my blog -- and much nicer pix. It was nice to relive some of the experiences through her eyes. Though I did not share all the upset when we only had bread -- I can go a while sans food. This is a photo with the group -- 9 paying customers and the two tour guides. Mark and I are in front. This was the day after my "one Africa safari away from my ideal weight" (thanks devil wears prada for the phrase) experience. Thank God for Cipro LOL. The worse the better for sure ....

It was also the year of finally making it to the running of the bulls. And chickening out LOL.

Sydney turned one. He is CRAZY .. tonight he jumped in my lap while I was eating. He has NEVER gotten table food. Never will. But he deserves credit for trying!

Anthony finished year one of college .. started year two. Mark swears I pushed him ... famous civil rights lawyer agrees to defend me pro bono if need be (REALLY). I got my coveted Manolos (thanks Mark). Saw the first kid I knew as a baby get married. Spent oodles of time babysitting the neighbor's newly adopted baby.

Became addicted to useless blogging. Was able to fit again into my London red dress. Got a certificate from the IPCC for my "contribution" to the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. Said I would have preferred shoes and make a bunch of climate scientists mad.

Tried to each English to a candidate for the priesthood. Travelled lots for work. Was majorly screwed over by a close friend. Grew closer to other new friends. Let karma take over ...

Oh mine -- in the context of so much history not much happened. LOL.

Ready for my tradition. In 2004 went to Aruba for Christmas. Learned about a Cuban tradition. You take a bowl of water and put by the front door on New Year's Eve. At midnight open the door and throw out the water (out with the bad). Open back door (in with the good).

Went for a walk with Mark to get beer (for him -- I hate beer -- I am having Asti). Me and Sydney escorted him despite the horrid temperatures. I actually entertained the idea of letting him go alone ... but my instinct to watch over him took over. It was like being in Antarctica.

Happy New Year everyone!!! Which means my only blog reader, Mark!!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Back to Work ... and Mark's Visit to Dr. Martin

Back to work this morning ... at my desk by 7 AM. Good thing to .. I managed to get all the stuff I brought home done by 10 AM ... when my boss returned unexpectedly early. Luckily I completed my to do list (plus I got to tell her about the funny investigation report that covered some cat fights ... tee hee). It was a tiring day after so much lounging. Left a bit after 5 (10 hrs -- but did take a 1/2 hour lunch). Took Sydney for a long walk (well ... just the medium walk .. not the pit walk). Looked pretty ragged at the end of the day.

Mark went to see Dr. Martin the surgeon. Wish I had been there so I could have heard stuff first hand. She thought the low blood pressure was the result of the infection and told him to take half the blood pressure medicine he is on and continue to monitor (his blood pressure has been higher than Christmas Eve .. but still low for such a tall person). At least he did admit blacking out (versus insisting I pushed him, which a High School Physics student would know is impossible). On the swollen lymph nodes .. she thought the neck one ... which is now normal was due to the infection. She said the under arm one (which is nearly gone) was not a lymph node but rather a swollen sweat gland. Apparently she said nothing to be concerned about ... she told him if it was on the other side (the side where he had breast cancer) she might be concerned. She did give him a very thorough exam and found nothing. Oh and when he came home and read about all his symptoms on the Internet (guess he had to confirm everything) he found out neuropathy (a common cancer treatment side effect) can be "dangerous". Bummer -- lost the website. I was too worried about under arm lump, which he kept till last. Anyhow I would be happy if he had seen his family Dr. but Dr. Martin said if the underarm lump came back she would need to remove it (and I presume examine it) so I guess I just need to chill. Ironically my blood pressure is now higher (although still not very high something less than 110 over 70). Or at least it settled at that after I ran home from church. Mark and Sydney walked me over and then I walked home. It was dark so I felt "safer" running :-). Now Mark will think he is perfectly rational. Which he clearly is not as this picture showing him wearing two different color socks proves!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

I Hear Bitch Is the New Black

Mark and I had to go to his boss' Christmas open house tonight. As Mark refused to go to the Dr Friday after his Christmas Eve low pressure spell I was hassling him all day about how I was gonna go wearing my running clothes and not taking a shower.

As I knew I would know a lot of people there (including my assistant, whose hubby works with Mark) I eventually relented and took a shower and put on a dress (here I am with my best accessory, Sydney!). I continued to hassle Mark ... and eventually he whispered "bitch" under his breath. Now this was great as I had read in the Washington Post that "bitch was the new black" (meaning little black dress). So I said to Mark "Thanks, bitch is the new black" ... and of course he had no clue. LOL. He seems perfectly fine now -- I have taken his blood pressure 1000 times and it is normal to high as usual ... and his lymph node is almost back to normal .... he better describe his symptoms to his Dr tomorrow ... I hate Hippa ... without it I could crash the appointment but this pesky confidentiality is a bummer!

Oh well ... at least I earned the moniker of bitch .... if only from Mark LOL. Now I am truly Sydney's Mummy!!!! It is funny ... I can be called anything by anyone and I usually see a fun side to it LOL. As my childhood nanny whom I saw in July in Spain (after 30+ years) said ... she would have known me anywhere from the constant laughing and making fun of everything LOL -- I cannot help it everyone and everything is so funny. I can't wait to tell my sister about bitch being the new black LOL.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day .... A Day in my PJs

Just after midnight I decided that today I would spend the day in my PJs. I thought I need a mental health day ... when I would not worry about Mark constantly.

When we came home from H's on Christmas I put my PJs on (it was just past 7). The plan was spending Dec 26 in my PJs -- I even walked Sydney in them (when we went to Antarctica in 2006 a third of the people in the ship started wearing their PJs to breakfast ... and then in the evening. I was one of them so now I am totally fine with wearing PJs outside. I did not get up at all except to walk Sydney! And zootoo. And I did play Guitar Hero. Sydney was pretty cuddly and stayed on the couch with me some. I still worried about Mark ... though his blood pressure seems more normal and his swollen lymph node is receding ..... He went to the store ... which worried me ..... But he came back.

I watched a bunch of films on HBO on demand .... none good. Except Rendition last night.

I tried to press Mark to go to the Dr today ... with threats of no shower till he does. But he insists seeing the surgeon Monday is good enough. I guess maybe tomorrow I will rejoin the world ... but I swear I need a week this way!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas Day 2008 is almost over. Went to mass last night. Mark got sick during the service -- he clearly has issues (his blood pressure keeps dropping suddenly and his lymph nodes go up and down -- he fainted once and almost fainted at church). He has me so worried -- he seems to have some African infection. Don't think he has a cancer recurrence (unless he has the "rare" pulsating kind). But his refusal to see the Dr is very annoying (he sees the surgeon Monday -- does not seem to get that she probably can't help him). Just like his Mom -- who ended up in the ER all day because she refused to seek attention earlier.

Good thing we went to Houeida's for dinner or I would be in my PJs still. Of course I am back in my PJs. Not sure I will change tomorrow -- I am much too depressed.

One good thing is Mark liked the camera I got him. Takes an excellent Sydney photo! Here he is with Christmas Duckie.

Hopefully all will work out -- I still need mental health time off from the world though!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Where has the time gone?

I cannot believe it is Dec 21! Time is just super flying ... and not much blogging. Have been spending lots of time on zootoo -- one of my zootoo friends made this photo. Trying to help Vaughn win the million dollar shelter makeover contest. He is in second place now ... but that doesn't really matter. Top 20 move on to step 2 (a visit to select top 10). And then an American Idol like national vote (I think top 10 are on Animal Planet).
Anthony came home 13 Dec. He is working at his summer intern job at FAA for the four weeks he is here. And the neighbors keep hiring him. I like having Anthony around.

Bobby Webb came and stayed with us for a couple nights. Mark went to dinner with him ... I had to go to yoga. Funny how you can not see someone for a few years and it feels like you just saw them. Bobby is nuts -- keeps dating these women that as Mark politely put it "are not the Ph.D. types" ... and then less politely "more the DD types".
Mark got me my coveted pair of Manolos for translating his briefing. Came in on Tuesday and then I wore them Wed. About killed myself -- they are pretty high. Wore them to Dr. Bob's dinner (hosted by Dr. Bob to thank Scout parents) -- so I could be taller than him. But alas I was not --- but pretty close. I am really worried about Mark. He seems to have an infection from Africa. His lymph nodes keep suddenly inflaming ...then decreasing ... and back. He just saw Dr. Rodriguez his oncologist so I have to believe he is not having a recurrence. But is is hard not to worry. He also has lower blood pressure (which is kinda hard to judge as he is taking blood pressure medicine). Passed out before Anthony came home ... And when he came to accused me of pushing him. He had a cold at the time and was not resting. He has also had an ear infection. At least he sees the surgeon Dec 29 so hopefully she will knock some sense into him. I am just too upset to talk rationally with him.

At least I know he is not totally dying as he was REALLY mad that I dragged him to see Seven Pounds with Will Smith. I did not anticipate the level of chick flickness this film would have ... tee hee

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mark is back, a parade and a new haircut

Mark came back from Argentina this morning. It was great because he came in a few minutes after I woke up so I was not obsessively checking on his flight and calling him. He brought me alfajores and turron de jijona. Bummer they did not have turron de llema tostado -- my fave. But -- I should remember the lesson from last Christmas when I over ate and had to go on a 1200 calorie diet. I probably should cut back a bit before the Holidays -- yesterday was a disaster. And that darn Mark bought Oreos today -- have to put them where Anthony can see them when he is here -- but I cannot!

I managed to talk Mark into going to the Scottish parade. Lynn had sorted out having a Cavalier group -- there must have been 30-40 Cavs -- Tris (like Sydney), Rubies, Blenheim's and Black and Tans (Pressley & Bailey). We borrowed Miss Pressley so each of us had someone to walk. Of course, Cavs being Cavs, "walk" does not quite describe it. They went back and forth and jumped and ran and were all together crazy. Sydney was exhausted afterward .... but he never tuned down the energy while we were in Old Town!

In a flurry of activity for a Saturday went to get a haircut. Which as usual looks like the old one :-). The highlights look just the same. I guess Tulip and Heather are consistent! Gonna go to Pet Smart w/Sydney and get some treats. Mark is already fast asleep .....

Monday, December 1, 2008

Anthony went back to Pittsburgh :-(

Took Anthony to BWI yesterday. Traffic was not bad. I continue to surprise myself by being sad when I drop him off -- I am beginning to realize this will go on for the rest of my life. On Sunday Mark made us breakfast .... Anthony seemed to really like it. I miss having everyone together for Sunday breakfast ... but Mark and I still do it most Sundays.

I cannot believe how tall Anthony is getting -- every time he comes down he seems taller. Wearing his gym shoes he is now as tall as Mark! I wish he would get measured so I can satisfy my curiosity. Expect he is 6'2" or so.

Mark left for Argentina today ... house seems so empty after having Cam and Anthony (and Roma and Presley :-)). But in a couple of weeks Anthony will be back (actually in about 11 days) and Bobby Webb will visit. Bobby is crazy ... in fact just about everyone I'm friends with is crazy .... maybe we are all crazy in some way.

I wish I could have gone to Argentina but have used up all my vacation for the year. Have 30 days stored ... but I like to keep that for "emergencies". At least he is not going to one of my fave cities -- Buenos Aires. Went there on our second "big vacation" -- in 1986. Back then the plan was a "big vacation" every two years (1983 wedding, 1984 Europe, 1986 Brazil and Argentina). Then it was once a year. then came living in London and it became an almost every month occurrence -- going somewhere new. I like Buenos Aires because it is associated with Evita (here I am with Anthony at her tomb in 2006). I like the song -- every disadvantage you need if you need to succeed .... no father, no money (no something else -- I cannot recall). Can sure relate to it -- certainly no money growing up and as my father was not around certainly qualify as "no father". Mark would argue the "no father" but that's something he does not know anything about.

I translated Mark's presentation into Spanish for him. Took FOREVER -- mostly because I have to be such a perfectionist. I am still thinking of improvements -- but he is refusing to accept changes! I must have spent over 16 hours. Tried to charge him a pair of Manolos :-). I REALLY want those patent leather Mary Janes ...... despite rumors to the contrary I am just not frivolous enough to buy for myself. Tee hee ... I keep thinking if the IPCC had divided the prize money amongst the lead actors I could have had those shoes. Got a big certificate instead. Very colorful. My boss made me frame it. 1/10,000 of a Nobel Peace Prize ... too funny.
Better finish messing around, walk Sydney and make lunch ....

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Blue Sheep and Guitar Hero

Well the Christmas shopping season is off to a start ... I got a few things for other people ... but the big purchases were a T.V. for the bottom floor ... and Wii Guitar Hero -- Legends of Rock for myself :-). Anthony has been trying to teach me with mixed success. I want to practice the next two weeks while he is back at school and get better ... but who will do Christmas cards and shopping?

Sydney also got something new ... "Blue Sheep". The poor thing lasted about 24 hrs ... :-( Blue Sheep that is. I better not forget to order his "indestructible toy" tomorrow (from the woman I "met" in Zootoo) as the sale ends. This "after" picture of Blue Sheep says it all .....

Missed out on 50% miles in BA -- but honestly I did not see how to squeeze in a visit to Algeria or Syria in 2009 .... hopefully they will do this again some other time ... bummer we paid full miles for Kuwait .....

Cam Went Back to Ithaca :-(

Took Cam to Union station this morning. He is spending the night in NYC with his friend Victor and then they will drive back to Ithaca tomorrow. I like the arrival of the Thanksgiving guests ... but not the departure. Last year I had to go to Zurich after Thanksgiving so it took my mind off the guys leaving ... but this year I get the "departure" feeling :-(

We had Starbucks just like last year .. but we did not have time to sit around. Love the train ... we left the house at 8:30 AM, got to the station by 8:45 and Cam boarded a few minutes after 9 AM. No hassles. This is a rare photo of Mark holding Starbucks (mine). Mark did NOT do a good job of taking this photo by the Christmas tree.

Mark goes off to Argentina Monday so this week will be hard .... Sydney and Roma are sad ... they keep looking for Cam and Mr Fishy. I hope Senor Fishy survives the train, and then the car drive!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Went to work today. But en route to work decided to sop at Target (at 6 AM) because we needed a new TV by the tread mill and there were some good "door busters". Get there about 6:10 (I am clearly not a good Black Friday" shopper. The store is pretty empty -- EXCEPT electronics -- where aside from all the shoppers there was a TV crew. So I got paranoid about ending up on TV shopping during a work day -- and went through all these evasive moves to get by the camera crew. So in the end I missed out on the good deal TVs and the super good deal Guitar Hero. But I stopped by Best Buy and got a better Guitar Hero deal. And Mark and I just got a TV. We are paying Cam and Anthony $20 each to install. They said 10 min. Took 20 .... reportedly because we had hooked some stuff wrong. I guess they are our version of Geek Squad :-). Roma, Sydney and Miss Pressley were banned from helping :-( Miss Pressley was sad -- look at that face ....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Great Thanksgiving Flood

The day started out pretty ordinarily. Got up (at the last possible minute). I went to church (Father D's sermon outdid itself in saying nothing -- but that's not why I went). The boys went to see James Bond (again -- because Mark slept through it the first time). Picked up Pressley for the day (here she is helping me get points for Vaughn's shelter on Zootoo). Went to the Chart House in Old Town and had a great Thanksgiving dinner. Took all three dogs for a walk. Called Maggie's and talked to Mary and Lisa as well. Plotted a Black Friday shopping strategy (harmonized with work) .....

Then I was brushing Roma (for the second time today .... that dog sure has excess hair) and Anthony said he heard a noise downstairs. Turns out that the faucet in the bathroom on the main floor got left on -- which led to the sink overflowing. The sink overflowing in turn led to the bathroom floor flooding ... the water seeped through to the bathroom on the street level floor. Eventually a bunch of water went into the storage room. What a mess ... and all over the course of a couple of hours max.

Anthony helped me out quite a bit cleaning up. Cam watched. Mark slept through the mess ... only to wake up after it was mostly dried to growl. The storage room still is going to need some sorting and I have lots and lots of towels to wash. But all in all it could have been worse -- stuff happens. The boys (Cam and Anthony) are playing video games -- guess I was lucky to get the help I got. Mark is reading the paper. Wonder if he is awake ......

I continued to be amazed at the detached way in which I look at these "incidents". I ran around and cleaned up but if someone had a monitor on me I don't think they would have detected any anxiety at all. Funny I was just thinking of flooding Julia and Engracia's bathroom when I was a child in Havana. They worked in our house ... I was probably closer to them than anyone. In hind sight not such a nice thing to do -- though back then I would break into hysterics. No doubt they watched me cleaning up from their perch in heaven and laughed ......

I guess we survived the Great Thanksgiving Flood and we shall see what is next :-). I just heard a suspicious noise but it stopped so I can't tell what it was ......

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Everyone is here for Thanksgiving!

Cam and Anthony are both here now. Me and Cam (and Sydney) drove to BWI (airport in Baltimore) to get Anthony. The traffic was horrid -- 2.5 hrs to cover 30 miles. I think there was a Wizards game downtown .... then just the usual 295 traffic. Sydney is sooo happy the guys are home. Here he is with his brother Anthony. And here is Cam wearing the diamond earring I gave him last year. I had gotten the pair from Mark as a wedding gift and lost one. Got bigger ones for our 25th Anniversary this year. Cam wants me to lose one. I sure hope not! I am paranoid about wearing them .......

Had a terrible day at work today ... it was supposed to be "easy". But all this dramatic stuff kept happening. A lot of it is not knowing how to move stuff from A to B. But part of it is that people are so weird ... what we do is NOT rocket science but I get a sense that people double and triple check what I do rather than just let me be. Makes everything three times as hard. Maybe it is hard for people to admit that what they do is just not complicated. Heck we just move stuff back and forth from A to B. Without killing anyone and harming the environment. Pretty black and white .....

Have a hard day in store tomorrow -- I cannot believe I have meetings till 3 PM Wednesday before Thanksgiving. But then Thanksgiving!!!! and surely Friday will be quiet and I can catch up!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Before and After

The groomer did an awesome job -- here is Sydney "before" (right) and "after" (left). A true makeover :-)

The Grooming Van

Sydney is in the grooming van outside our townhouse right now ... the groomer would not let me go in :-( I am soooo nervous -- sure hope he does not ruin my beautiful baby's gorgeous coat.

Funny how Sydney did not know it was coming unlike the uncanny way in which he can tell I am planning to give him a bath (as soon as I even think bath -- before I get a single towel or product -- he hides from me). Here he is trying to steal Mark's breakfast. I picked him up and his tail swiped my food so that was that :-). I love my Cav but not ready to eat his hair!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Celebrated the End of the Week With a Visit to the Mother Ship

Pheww ... made it to the week as Acting Acting Assistant Administrator while my temp boss is in Peru. I think I got everything done that had to be done ....... Some long days but that's OK. Didn't have any crying spells when I got home, which is great progress .....

Celebrated by going to what Maggie calls my "Mother Ship" -- E-Arden Red Door Spa. Got an eye brow wax and a mani. Then again I go to the Mother Ship every w-e -- but this time I earned it! Starbucks was super crowded ... tons of Christmas shoppers though not many people had lots of bags. A lot of sales. Our area is really doing OK economically but people are spooked.

Intended to go to see the new James Bond flick at 2:30 so we could go to church tonight. But H's furnace broke and we took Michael Anthony and Roma while she tried to get a space heater and groceries. She eventually got a repairman ... he was there when I walked Roma for her. Hope it got fixed 'cause it is FREEZING. I think Michael Anthony likes Mark better -- I guess he is more entertaining.

Saw the James Bond flick eventually. It was super action packed but somehow Mark fell asleep. When he woke up he said he fell asleep because there was no action :-) In this flick 007 was in Italy, London, Haiti, Bolivia and some country I thought was Kazakhstan. Darn it -- in the previous films he never went anywhere I had not been. Mark has been to Kazakhstan but I passed because as Mark said "I just had to work on my Ph.D.". And of course we've not been to Haiti. Don't like it when James Bond goes someplace I have not been. BA is having 50% miles off sale ... have to see if maybe we can go to Kazakhstan over a w-e .......

The grooming van is coming by tomorrow to groom Sydney ... hope it works out OK. He is soooo beautiful ... I do not want his hair messed up! The van comes between 11 and 11:30 so have to get up for 8:30 mass. Cam comes in tomorrow at Union Station at 11:30 PM. And I have to be on time at work Monday ... a long "action filled" day ... hope I make it through ......

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Michael Anthony's Bday Party

Went to Michael Anthony's Bday party today. I think this is his third -- one in Arizona -- one last week on his most likely Bday and one today before his official Bday. I tried REALLY hard to get a photo of MA and Sydney -- but I had forgotten to charge the camera :-(

Forgotten how much fun a kids Bday party could be :-) Sydney enjoyed the kids -- but was shy as well. Mark looks like he is ready to drop. I am going to go upstairs and do some work (I slept most of the afternoon). And pray I survive the week ... if I survive next week, Thanksgiving week should be OK .....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Somewhere between a refugee and an expatriate

Saturday night. Mark is back from India -- flight was even a little bit early. And he is amazingly still awake. That may be because it is morning in Bangalore :-) I actually fell asleep about 3 PM and did not manage to wake up enough to go to church tonight. Will make it in the morning.
Went to dinner with Dan and Vicki and their friends Brenda and Jerry who were in town. Just got back (and got a Sydney photo for my blog). Nice to see them. Told them about our Africa trip -- and I think everyone thought we were a bit crazy. I guess I "grew" into the crocodile infested river so funny how a lot of the earlier stuff to me was "not so bad". Really, I've gotten to the point that only the near capsizing the canoe in the crocodile infested river seems "bad". I didn't tell them about the rating of restaurants by number of mice or the mouse in the bathroom -- the rats at the resort seemed to create enough consternation :-)
Talked some about politics. Funny how I am the only one that does not think that paying a few thousand dollars in taxes to set up social programs is not a bad thing. I am puzzled about the horror about the bribe system in Africa -- which is clearly brought about by the uneven distribution of wealth -- and at the same time not seeing the need to give a hand to folks that for whatever reason are not as well off. Some people are lazy -- I know that. But some have not had opportunities. Or are not as smart. Or are born into a bad family situation. If I had not gotten all the help I got I would not be where I am today -- and I have no problem with helping others.
Then we talked some about work ... mostly folks qualifications. Funny how what we see in otters we so often do not see in ourselves.

I was reflecting on my two week tenure on the 10th floor earlier. The closest description that captures my experience is "somewhere between political refugee and expatriate". The political refugee comes from the major disorientation and sense that I do not belong -- which is reinforced by some of the nastier inhabitants of "10th floor world" (which is a euphemism as some of the inhabitants are in other floors :-)). The expatriate part is because of the "resources" that are available to deal with it -- the lifeline to other areas which are still there (which are not for a political refugee). And of course an expatriate can go back ..... I think if I view things in those terms I will truly learn a lot :-) and not go crazy!

Tonight we also talked about ethics and "black and white" and "gray". I think in the end it is obvious that no one can be pigeonholed. While I am gray in some social issues, I am VERY black and white on ethics. I am appalled (and I am grateful that I am) when someone who is about to retire asked for "a trip to Europe". Some of the "black and white" people all of the sudden felt that maybe that was OK because "everyone does it to some extent". And "gray" me all of the sudden was cringing. I am going to have to think about this during the week ... is "entitlement" ever right? Is my fear that dipping a toe into muck will lead to worse and worse and worse -- to the point that you lose your moral compass -- exaggerated? Often what upsets us the most in others is that which we fear the most in ourselves ......

Hope Michael Anthony (H's baby) is all better tomorrow ... had to get Pedyalite for him en route home. She had me leave it outside her door ... and Mark acted like a fool taking it up. Which made me laugh almost to the point of incontinence :-) .....

Polar Bears and Stuff .....

Heard from Sharon today. She sent me this gorgeous photo of a polar bear -- she is an awesome photographer. can't wait to see her Africa CD.

I can't believe it is 1 AM and I'm messing around. I have so much to do ...... I wasted hours on zootoo -- trying to help Vaughn win $ for his shelter. Have to join the zootoo site ... then add photos, videos, comment on news, play games. Hope he does well.

Mark is en route from Bangalore. His flight will land in Frankfurt at 8:45 AM (2:45 AM here). I have to quit messing and go to bed. But I also have to walk Sydney but I probably should not go out this late. Maybe I will put him out back.
Today was a better day .... only was exposed to that horrid woman once. She does not seem to lack for self esteem. Or maybe she does. Gawd she loves to hear herself talk ... soooo obnoxious ... and really says nothing. Uses the most pompous words ever. I didn't sit on the wrong seat at least. What a bitch ... actually telling me to move over one chair because I was causing discomfort. When most of the chairs were empty and I was only off by one.
Well better get to sleep ...... Can't wait to see Mark ... today :-)

P.S. Me thinks me has uncovered the motivation. Just googled the wicked witch ... what a pathetic resume. I see why she is so pompous .... she is not filled with self esteem ... she is insecure. Kinda sad ......

Thursday, November 13, 2008

December 1969

Wow. What a day. When the day started little would I have guessed that before the day was over I would find myself back in Madrid, Spain on December 23, 1969.

I am trying to be nice and grateful about today -- the intentions were good and I'm sure there are many people that would have loved the opportunity. It was very nice of N to go way out of her way to get me an invite to an "Executives" forum when I am only a lowly Chief Scientist "Acting" in a "Executive" job -- she really has been ultra generous to me and I have learned so much from her the last couple of weeks. The folks at my table were very funny and nice and told great stories. Plus I love to watch KL in action -- I really admire her. Having said that the last time I felt so uncomfortable and out of place I was 8 years old and had landed in Madrid as a refugee from Cuba on Dec 23rd 1969 -- wearing summer clothes :-). As I was to enter the room the HR people said "you can't come in -- this is "Executives" only" -- not "Acting" people. Then they proceeded to make me stand in a corner while they greeted the "real" Executives. I wanted to leave so badly but I knew that would make N really mad and I did not want to disappoint her. So I stood there -- until they checked "my story" and then made me a hand written name tag that screamed "does not belong". They did make me a real one by the break -- which I hope offset some of the seriously bad karma they must have created. I think I may very well have the foundation of a story for the Glamour Magazine 2009 writing contest .... maybe I can still make it up to my high school lit teacher -- who was so disappointed by my going into engineering versus writing -- before my 30th class reunion next summer :-) In a way today was the first time I have been able to truly go back to that day and experience some of the feelings .... I really want to capture that in writing .... hope it holds till tomorrow or Sat :-) Funny how that can happen -- and it hasn't been for lack of trying -- my analytical side always got in the way before of really feeling that day again. I really was not at the Holiday Inn today -- the person that has experienced all the things that I have in the last 39 years could not possibly have been even slightly perturbed by the experience. But the child I used to be is a different story -- I have been crying for the last two hours and definitely NOT about today. The worse truly is the better .... somehow I don't think this is what the Mastermind of this forum had in mind .... but I will not write him a Thank You note -- way too Breakfast Club!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Survived the Week!

Wow -- cannot believe how fast the week went by. What a week it was ... such a historic election. Awful economic news. And I made it through my first week of my temp job on "the 10th floor" -- the FAA's equivalent of the Pentagon's "E-ring" I guess -- though I suspect a lot less exciting.

Eventually made up my mind and voted. Just had to go at 6 AM. Tool an hour and a half. Mark went at 5 PM. Took 1 minute. I do not like Obama's stand on abortion. But I did not like McCain's stand on everything else. It is hard not to get caught up in the symbolism and excitement of an Obama win. I better than most know the power of a visual role model. For me the mental barriers of what I could and could not do were removed upon meeting Janet F. in 1999. Obama's win will have an impact on people that is impossible to measure. All of those kids of different blends and colors knowing nothing is impossible. I do hope he can fix the economy. At least it bodes well that he has Warren Buffet as an advisor ......

The week on the 10th floor went by in a blur. There is a tension being in a new place ... and in a temporary office. I feel like I have to pick up every crumb ... my temp boss is in the other office. She moved to the Assistant Administrator's Office ... which is palatial. Her office that I am sitting in is also very nice .... but I miss my office and all its "pinkness". And I miss my boss Carl ... I keep going downstairs to talk to him. Learned lots of new things ... which is always exciting. And it is temporary .... I get to have a parking space (albeit in a commercial building because our parking garage is under renovation). That helps with the longer hours.

Today was Michael Anthony's christening. In the Orthodox church. A beautiful ceremony. Can't believe how much he changed while we were in Africa. I'm going to pick him up tomorrow and take him out for a while ... give H. a break :-)

Mark is going to India .... first on ... then off ... then the invite and visa issues got solved at the last sec. Knew they would. It will be hard to have him away and I worry about him ALL THE TIME :-( But Thanksgiving and Cam and Anthony are almost here :-).....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Visiting Anthony

Just got home from visiting Anthony in Pittsburgh. Maggie and I got to the hotel around 1 or do on Saturday. Marking good time but as usual 376 was under construction and I was detoured. Took a while as the signs were awful and the GPS did not help as it kept trying to get me back to 376. But eventually I got there. Maggie just got off at the wrong exit :-). I think her drive is a tad less ....

Sydney was sooooo glad to see Anthony. And Anthony was glad to see Sydney. I think he just tolerated me and Maggie. But he showed Sydney off to his friends (he snuck him into Fairfax Apartments :-)). We were there about 24 hours -- but it was well worth it as Anthony is much more communicative "live". He seems to be doing well ... and his "gang of nerds" friends seem to be a great influence. I think he is doing well and seems to enjoy school. His half grown beard is a shocker ... he thinks it makes him look less young :-). I guess I remember the days when I wanted to look older ... ha, time takes care of that.

We took Anthony to Subways for a late lunch, to St. Paul's Cathedral for mass (he has gone quite lax), and then to Melting Pot for dinner. A good venue for talking! He stayed the night with us (we were at Residence Inn -- it is such a nice place -- great dog run -- the hotel caters to folks who are in Pittsburgh having medical treatments I think -- so the staff is so nice -- then again everyone outside DC seems nice!). I think Anthony likes spending the night with baby Sydney -- they just play and play.

This morning we benefited from time change -- and gained an hour. Anthony slept through breakfast (me and Maggie had it as it was free). Dropped him off back at his apartment -- said he was gonna do homework ...... Poor Sydney got so sad. We took him over to the Oakland shops a bit (he is allowed to go into most of the stores -- he is a big hit at Coach -- and they loved him at Victoria's Secret). Got Starbuck's -- then took Maggie back to her car. Sydney cried -- he does not do good-byes well. He is more a hello sort of pup.

Drive home was uneventful -- not so nice how early it gets dark -- guess better get used to it for a few months :-( Have to get some blood work done at the Drs. tomorrow ... then my first day in my temp job. Getting more and more apprehensive. Going to the Who concert at the end of the day ... so at least have something to look forward to. And then election day .... yikes .... I think I have about decided .. courtesy of the Bishop of Pittsburgh ....

Friday, October 31, 2008


And what a gorgeous one. Perfect weather -- just a little bit cool and perfectly clear. A Friday so I do not think we have had as many trick or treaters as usual. It was Wesley's (Presley's brother) first Halloween. He was soooo cute in a giraffe custom -- and his grand parents were here to take him around with his Mom. We had gotten him and Michael Anthony "Bears in the Night" by Dr. Seuss. Michael Anthony did not come by -- but Wesley's visit was a treat :-)

It is 8:30 PM and I still have two big bags of candy plus half a bowl. I think I've given away about 14 bags. Between 3-5 pieces each. Most of the Hispanic kids that come by (in droves) are afraid of Sydney and his friend Carter who is visiting because his Mom and Dad went to a concert. Carter is just six months -- he is fearless and tries to run out and lick everyone. Carter is a Cavalier - Bichon Frise mix (a Cavachon). He is ultra cute ... but not as cute and luxurious as a Cavalier. Some of the kids will not come up because these little 15 pound dogs are at the door.

Sydney is wearing his pumpkin custom from last year (Lynn gave it to him). Still fits him so maybe he has not gained all the weight I thought he had gained while we were in Africa. Sydney does not quite know what to make of Carter ... he enjoys playing with him ... but he is also annoyed by him :-). Sydney won't go to the door to see the kids ... but gets jealous when Mark holds Carter to keep Carter from running out with the kids. Sometimes Sydney can be so shy. Unless someone is afraid of him ... then he jumps all over them!
It is 8:45 now and just had a bunch more kids so I may be dipping into my next to last bag. Visiting Pittsburgh tomorrow (meeting Maggie there) so was planning on taking the extra candy to Anthony. Bought him a box -- so he'll be fine. And Maggie is bringing him her extra candy.
Have not seen Anthony since August -- over two months. And he'll be home for Thanksgiving in just three weeks -- I am excited about that as well. Cam is supposed to come too but has not let me know his plans.
Today was my last day as Chief Scientist for a few months. Come Monday I will be Acting Deputy Assistant Administrator ... not a very impressive job title ...... but hey it should be entertaining. Just for about 3 months ... filling in while we wait for a political appointee Assistant Administrator. Then Nancy the permanent Deputy goes back to her job. And the Acting Chief Scientists goes back to his. And I go back to mine. Musical chairs :-). I was Acting Director most of the week .... somehow I don't think I will be getting an Oscar. I hope I do OK at this job ... it is very different than anything I have ever done. But I will think about that on Monday ... right now I am excited about going to Pittsburgh. Have to pack and bathe Sydney ... but waiting to see of more trick or treaters come. Guess I better get a move on ... have to take Carter home and put him in his crate. Not looking forward to that :-(